They Know

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Kol's POV

I get back to Mystic Falls in record time, other than meeting Davina one thing is stuck in my head: Marcel. I was told he was dead, and for him to be now running the city that Nik and Elijah built, something does not add up. When I get home, Rebekah, Finn and Elijah are also home. "Hey, Bekah," I say hugging her. "How was your trip," Nik asks. "Fine. Her name is Davina," I say. Finn and Elijah give me a confused look. I sigh, "I went and visited a coven in Australia that studies Anna's spell,  used my charms and they did me a favor," I explain. "What charms," Rebekah asks. I glare at her, while Nik laughs. "Where's Anna?" I ask. "In her study," Finn says. I nod, "I do have a question," I say. Bekah looks at me, "Well go ahead spit it out," she says. "Why did you leave New Orleans," I ask. Nik sighs and looks to Elijah, "Father came out of nowhere," Elijah says. "Why do you ask," Nik wonders. "Davina lives there," I say shortly. "Finn, can I talk to you and Anna," I say and he nods and follows me to Anna's study. 

Finn and I enter Anna's study and close the door, as soon as the door closes Anna waves her hand and a bowl of sage starts burning, a privacy spell

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Finn and I enter Anna's study and close the door, as soon as the door closes Anna waves her hand and a bowl of sage starts burning, a privacy spell. "Tell him," Anna says facing the window. I sigh and look at Finn, "In 1821, Nik killed one of Rebekah's suitors," I start, he roll his eyes. "At the funeral march, Nik saw a little boy being beaten and saw a lot of himself," I explain. Finn looks down, "Nik sort of took the boy under his wing, named him Marcellus but Marcel for short," I tell my older brother. Finn nods in understanding, "He was turned into a vampire and they thought he died in 1919," I explain. "When I was transported to see Davina she told me that Marcel is using her as a weapon against the witches," I tell Finn and avoid the candles that start to burn brighter. "He's not dead," Finn concludes. "I have a feeling of why as well," I say. Anna turns away from the window. "You think Marcel called Mikael," she says. I nod, "He was in love with Rebekah," I start to explain. "And he knew that as long as Nik was there they would never be able to be together," I explain. Finn nods, putting the pieces together as well. 

"Marcel saw what Niklaus had, with the city and the power," Finn starts

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"Marcel saw what Niklaus had, with the city and the power," Finn starts. "He wanted it and he wanted Rebekah to love him without anyone standing in her way," Kol continues. "And there was only one thing in the way," Finn finishes before both of them look at their sister. "Niklaus," she says. "Call Mikael and Nik will leave with Elijah following to make sure that he is safe," Anna says. "But what Marcel did not account for was that Rebekah would choose Nik over him," Kol finishes. 


Act 2 starts: July 22

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