United Factions & Visions Fulfilled

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Nik's POV

Anna has been holding a session talking to the factions of New Orleans about peace, Caroline's mother has arrived in New Orleans a couple of days ago and the two of them have been planning the nursery. The nursery that I have already had built and asked Rebekah to decorate, Rebekah of course agreed after telling me that I had no taste whatsoever.

Annalee's POV

"Bonnie, how have the witches welcomed you," I ask. "Pretty well, I have been trying to teach them a different way to control their magic," Bonnie says. I nod, "A wise witch once told me that, controlling your magic is the most important thing," Bonnie says. I smile, "Mrs. Forbes, how have you been enjoying New Orleans," I ask. She smiles, "The city is beautiful and I thank you for the invitation," she replies.

"Now let's get down to business," I say

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"Now let's get down to business," I say. "You have all been introduced, and you all have a protection spell on you," I start. "Why the protection spell," Rebekah asks. "Our family has made a lot of enemies over the years, and any of them may try to break into this council, I won't that happen," I say. Rebekah and Katherine exchange a look with Bonnie and all three smirk. "As a symbol of the united factions, we will be having a party," I announce. "The party is to signify the unification of the New Orleans factions and the unification of my brother and his beloved," I say.

The door opens behind me and I stand and turn, "Yes," I ask the woman who opened the door. "I heard that you were meeting with a council," she says. "And what is your presence for, exactly," I ask. "I wish to be on your council," she tells me. I smile, "As you can see, my council is already full," I say. "Perhaps you would like to switch the woman you have leading the human faction to someone who knows New Orleans," she says. "And I thought you wanted to take Hayley's spot," I say. Her eyes widen, "You are Francesca Guerrera, aren't you," I ask. She nods, "And the Guerrera wolves have been in hiding for a very long time," I warn stepping closer. "So no, you will not be joining this council," I say. "You will need me," she says. "No, I don't think I will," I say turning my back on her. "Now where were we," I say ignoring the woman's presence. When the woman continues standing there, I sigh, "Would you like my brothers to escort you out," I ask. "No, then leave on your own, and not just this house. Leave New Orleans," I say.

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