Freya's Plan Failure

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Third Person POV

Caroline walked downstairs to see Nik trying to feed both twins their breakfast. "You didn't wake me up," she says. "You looked very beautiful asleep," Nik says. "So, I was thinking," Caroline starts. Nik turns to her, "What were you thinking," he asks. "I think these two need to see how beautiful their dad's city is," Caroline suggests. Nik smiles, "I think that is a very good idea, but one little thing," Nik says. "What's that," Caroline asks as Nik wraps his arms around her waist. "It's not just their dad's city," Nik says. "It's also their mother's," he adds. "Shut up," Caroline says. Nik turns to the twins, "Do you want to go on a trip," he asks the twins. Both of them start clapping purely because their dad is talking to them. "Sounds like these two are excited," he says.

Caroline picks up William and Hope reaches for her dad

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Caroline picks up William and Hope reaches for her dad. The couple set up the stroller to take the twins on a walk, not noticing Rebekah standing on the balcony watching them with their children. "Rebekah," Anna calls. Rebekah turns and looks at her sister, "I have been imagining having children for a thousand years," Rebekah says. Anna smiles, "And now that you are pregnant, I want you to come back after we kill Dahlia," Anna says. "Anna," Rebekah argues. "Rebekah, I am serious," Anna says. "Let me ask my brothers," Rebekah says. "Fine," Anna says. "If our brothers say that you can stay, you can," Anna says.

Caroline and Nik were walking around Bourbon street, "Are you hungry," Nik asks. "No, why," Caroline asks. "Because the last time I tried showing you the city, you were hungry," Nik teases. Caroline laughs, "And that was before we found out that I was pregnant with your children," Caroline says. Nik laughs at her, and moves her towards a woman playing violin.

Nik kisses her forehead, before noticing a sign, "A promise made is a debt to be paid," he whispers

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Nik kisses her forehead, before noticing a sign, "A promise made is a debt to be paid," he whispers. "What," Caroline asks. "Something is wrong," he tells her, grabbing the stroller and pulling it closer. A woman comes up to the couple with flowers as a woman playing violin, restarting the same song. "Flowers for the babies, miss," the woman asks. "No, thank you," Caroline says. "Are you sure, they are dahlias," the woman says. "Bloody hell," Nik mutters. All the sudden the woman's eyes, turn white and she begins to threaten the couple. "Nik," Caroline says, looking around noticing several other people with their eyes turning white. Nik brings Caroline and the stroller closer to him, and everyone but one person goes back to normal.

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