From a Little Town to a Romantic Village

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Bonnie's POV

Caroline went to New Orleans with Klaus and his siblings weeks ago. I regret not asking Anna for a bigger hint than the one on my wrist. I trace the numbers again, wondering what they mean. "You look bored," the bartender says. "No, not bored," I say. "If you say so," he says before walking away. My phone starts ringing, I pick it up and see that it is Caroline. "Hey," I say answering the phone. "Hey, Bonnie," Caroline says. "How's the hunt for the mystery man," Caroline asks. "It's not going well," I say. "How's New Orleans," I ask. "It's really pretty," Caroline says sounding nervous about something. "The witches are complete bitches, and this vampire named Marcel is a power hungry ass, but other than that it's great," Caroline adds. I laugh, "There's something else," Caroline says. "What is it," I ask. "I'm pregnant," Caroline says. "OMG, congratulations," I say excitedly. 

She laughs at my reaction, "How?" I ask

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She laughs at my reaction, "How?" I ask. "Well my true mate is not just a vampire but also a werewolf," Caroline says. "And your little getaway at Miss Mystic helped create a little baby," I say teasing her. "Babies," she amends. "Oh," I say. "Apparently after a thousand years those little guys are still eager," I tease. "Shut up," she says. "Oh by the way, Kol's true mate is the cutest thing in the entire world," Caroline says. "Oh do tell," I say. Caroline starts telling me about the girl Davina who is a witch.  "Oh, we also have been planning Finn's wedding and he has almost zero say in anything involved," Caroline says. I laugh, "Why do I feel like the reason for that is two strong willed blondes, his true mate, and two brunettes," I ask. "Because that is the exact reason he has no say," Caroline says. I laugh again. "Hey, I am going to have to let you go," I say. Caroline sighs, "Fine, but you better tell me when you find the mystery man," she says. "I will," I say. "Bye Care," I add. "Bye Bonnie," she says before I hang up. 

I pack my stuff and leave the bar, I see a man escorting a woman to his car and sigh

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I pack my stuff and leave the bar, I see a man escorting a woman to his car and sigh. "Does she get a choice or are you too much of an ass and have to compel her," I ask. The man turns to me, "Well aren't you feisty," he says. I notice his effortlessly tousled black hair, strong jaw and chocolate brown eyes. "Only when I see people being used," I say knowing what it felt like for people to only see you as your supernatural identity. "What's your name," I ask. "Lorenzo, but the ladies call me Enzo," he says. "Oh, so everyone calls you Lorenzo," I tease. He scoffs and shakes his head, he then uses his vampire speed to come at me. I use my magic giving him a headache. He pauses seeing something, he then grabs my wrist. "What's this," he asks grabbing my wrist. "My soulmark," I say. His eyes widen, "You are Bonnie Bennett," he whispers. I nod, he shows me his wrist. I gasp at the mark, a floating feather with a small witch knot.

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