Childhood Best Friends & The Battle of Mystic Falls

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Caroline and Bonnie follow Elena out, "Are you honestly siding with them," Elena asks the duo. "I told you Elena," Bonnie and Caroline say at the same time. "This is something a thousand years in the making," Bonnie adds. "She created this spell so that her family could have someone to balance them out," Caroline tells Elena. "There is an entire supernatural world beyond this town Elena," Caroline says. "But this town revolves around me," Elena says. Caroline rolls her eyes, "This town is not special because of you Elena," Bonnie says. "It's special because it's a supernatural epicenter," Bonnie explains. "Vampires were created here, the war between species started here," Caroline adds. Elena rolls her eyes, "That was a thousand years ago, Caroline," Elena says dismissing their arguments. "And what has this town seen since then," Bonnie asks.

 "Are you really going to throw our friendship away?" Elena asks. "You threw our friendship away when you basically told me that I was a witch who worked for you," Bonnie says bitterly. "I helped you by befriending you two," Elena says. Caroline and Bonnie glare at her, "You helped us," Caroline asks confused about how Elena came to that conclusion. "I am the popular one, and you two were nothing," she says. "And now we have sided with the most powerful family in supernatural history," Bonnie says. Elena growls and tries to attack Bonnie but she throws her away with her magic, Caroline follows the trajectory of Elena's body. 

Caroline's POV

When Bonnie and I find Elena she gets up to fight us. "I'm stronger than you Caroline. I was trained by Alaric," she says cockily. "And I was trained by a thousand year old blonde vampire," I reply. 'Love, you can't kill Elena,' Nik says in my head. 'Why not?' I ask. 'Anna says she should be alive for her brother, but we need her back into the gym.' Nik tells me. 'I'll see you there in a minute.' I tell him. 

Elena and I begin fighting, a blur of brunette and blonde hair, is what outsiders would see from this fight

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Elena and I begin fighting, a blur of brunette and blonde hair, is what outsiders would see from this fight. Bonnie throws Elena with her magic, and I draw from Nik's strength to heal. Elena gets back up, "You can't beat me, Caroline," Elena says. I smirk, "You clearly don't know the truth," I say. "Since I have completed the bond With Nik, I have the strength of an Original," I explain. Elena comes at me and I snap her neck with ease. 

Bonnie and I get Elena to the gym and look around. Stefan has his neck snapped and Damon has his arm around Nadia's waist. Bonnie drops the spell on Elena and she drops on the ground next to Stefan. Nik comes over to me and hugs me. "When did that happen?" I ask about Nadia and Damon. He laughs, "Apparently they are linked, kind of like we are," Nik says. I nod. 


Kol, Niklaus, Elijah and Finn stand in front of their soulmates protecting them

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Kol, Niklaus, Elijah and Finn stand in front of their soulmates protecting them. "Caroline, Bonnie," Anna calls out. The two girls turn, "Damon and Nadia are linked," Anna says.  Caroline nods and Bonnie looks at me shocked. "Meaning like true mates," Bonnie asks. Anna nods.

While Stefan and Elena wake up. "Damon, why are you with her?" Elena asks. "Because, she is my true mate," Damon tells her. "It's a lie," Elena says. Kol laughs, "Yeah, not a lie," Kol says. "It's been confirmed by magic," Nik says. "Bonnie you have to save Damon," Elena says turning to the witch. "If I even try to, it will kill him," Bonnie says. "But I am sired to him so he is mine," Elena says. Elena begins to tear up, and Stefan gets angry at his brother for breaking Elena's heart. Instead of going to fight Damon, he goes after Nadia. Both Damon and Katherine go to defend her. Katherine defends her daughter and Damon to defend his true mate. Damon reaches him first and snaps his neck again. 

"Katherine," Anna calls. She turns to her, "Would you like to try out some of the abilities only an Original," she asks. She smiles, "My ability to compel," she whispers confused. Anna nods, Katherine smirks, and walks towards Elena. "You will walk this Earth knowing that the Originals beat you, you lost," Katherine starts compelling the younger doppelganger. "You will know that only one person that will choose you first will be your true mate," Katherine compels. Anna steps forward and gently takes a hold of Elena's wrist. Attende haec puella ad eam animo, attende haec puella ad eam animo, attende haec puella ad eam animo, Anna chants and a mark appears on Elena's wrist. 

She turns to the unconscious Stefan and gently takes his wrist as well

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She turns to the unconscious Stefan and gently takes his wrist as well. Hunc adulescentem cum vero coniuge, hunc adulescentem cum vero coniuge, hunc adulescentem cum vero coniuge, she chants and a mark appears on his wrist. It looks like a 'V' intertwined with a 'T'.

 It looks like a 'V' intertwined with a 'T'

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After we left the school after the dance, I went back to my room. Anna comes in, "Rebekah," Annalee says. Rebekah turns to see my older sister. "I have something for you," Anna says.

Rebekah smiles excited to get a gift from her sister. Anna pulls a necklace out of a little bag, "It's a magic necklace," Anna whispers. Rebekah smiles taking the necklace from her older sister. "How did you get it back," Rebekah asks. Anna smiles, "You remember what I told you about it," Anna asks. Rebekah nods, "You will always be near me because it matches yours," Rebekah whispers. Anna nods.

Rebekah gives the necklace back to her sister, "Help me put it on?" She asks. Anna nods and helps Rebekah put it on. As Rebekah looks at her reflection, "When I hold it in my hands, I know that you will always be close to me," Rebekah says. Anna smiles and kisses the top of Rebekah's head. "Good night, søt blomst," Anna says before leaving the room.


Elena's Soulmate??

Stefan's Soulmate??

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