Not First Love, But True Love

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Third Person POV

The Mikaelson compound was bustling with supernatural, the Mikaelsons themselves were getting ready, Rebekah was on edge because Nik and Caroline had not arrived yet and she was still feeling mysteriously ill. Rebekah made sure that the wedding screamed Katherine Pierce but had the elegance and sophistication of Elijah. "Rebekah, relax," Anna calls. "Nik will be here," she says. "If he knows, what's good for him," she whispers under her breath.

 "If he knows, what's good for him," she whispers under her breath

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"Nik, glad to have you here, finally," Kol says loudly. "Here, I'll take William up to where all the groomsmen are getting ready, Caroline the bridesmaids are in Katherine and Elijah's room," Kol explains. "Nik, Rebekah is mad at you and Anna is trying to keep her calm," Kol says. Rebekah and Anna head down the stairs, "Nothing like showing up at the last minute," Rebekah growls. "Bekah, did you happen to notice the addition to Caroline's left hand," Anna asks. Rebekah turns to her older sister, and raises her eyebrows, "What," she asks. Rebekah turns and speeds up the stairs, Nik turns to his older sister and mouths 'thank you' and heads up the other set of stairs. 

Elijah's POV

Thanks to my sisters and the rest of the girls, the wedding was going off without a hitch. I asked Nik to be my best man and Kol pestered me until I caved to let him perform the ceremony. The music starts and the bridesmaids come down the aisle, Katherine asked Nadia to be her maid of honor. Before Katherine comes down the aisle, my nephew is brought down the aisle in a little red wagon that was moving on its own. William was giggling enjoying the motion immensely, following him was my niece in her own carriage. But as Hope was the flower girl, rose petals fluttered down onto the aisle behind her also propelled by magic. After the twins are brought down the aisle by magic, everyone stands and the music swells as Katherine begins to walk down the aisle towards me. 

When Katherine reached the altar, I offered my hand and she took it

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When Katherine reached the altar, I offered my hand and she took it. The two of us turned to Kol and he smirked, I rolled my eyes, regretting caving to him already. He cleared his throat obnoxiously, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to witness and join these two people in wholly matrimony," Kol starts. "My older brother, the person I looked up to from the moment that I was a thousand," Kol jokes. The crowd laughs, "Now let's get this started," he says. "Katerina, Katherine, whatever you call yourself now," Kol says. I growl an dhe sighs, "Fine, fine," Kol says. "Let's begin with the vows, the promises for all time," he says. 

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