My Favorite Place In the World

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Kol's POV

Before we left Mystic Falls, Anna did a spell to free the werewolves from the curse that was inflicted upon them. And so when we got to New Orleans, she wanted to make sure the spell worked and I tagged along because she was going to see Davina afterwards. "Why are we here," I ask walking besides her. Anna gives me a look, "You know why we are here," she says. "I know, but I want to see Davina," I complain. "Sometimes you act like a child," Anna tells me, I smirk. "Why did Rebekah not have to come to New Orleans," I ask. "You know that she is coming later," Anna says. 

We arrive at a clearing in the woods, and we see a woman sitting down on a tree stump. "Hello, Hayley," Anna says. The woman looks up at us, "Who the hell are you," She says harshly. "My name is Annalee, and this is my little brother Kol," Anna introduces. "How do you know my name," the woman, Hayley asks. "New Orleans census," I say. She does not let her guard down, "Hayley you can trust us," Anna says. "How do I know that I can," Hayley asks us. "Well I am the reason your baby will know their father as a man, not just a wolf," Anna says. Hayley drops her guard, and puts her hand on her stomach and I use my vampire hearing and hear a faint heartbeat. 

"How do you know," Hayley asks Anna. "Well, I am a witch and I can sense it," Anna explains. "You are the witch who broke the crescent curse," Hayley asks. Anna nods, "How," Hayley asks. "My little sister told me that she had something that she received in New Orleans," Anna starts to explain. " So, I connected it to its New Orleans origins to break the curse," Anna says. "We owe you," Hayley says. Anna nods, "We may need your help at some point," Anna tells Hayley. Hayley nods, "Congratulations," I say to Hayley. She smiles. 

Elijah's POV

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Elijah's POV

Katherine and I go to Rousseau's, "Tell me your favorite New Orleans memory," Katherine says. "After Niklaus killed one of Rebekah's suitors, Niklaus did not want to tease her by himself," I start to tell her. "Let me guess, he woke up Kol," Katherine says. I smirk and nod, "During Kol's time awake we actually had a semi peaceful family dinner," I explain. Katherine laughs, Do you remember when I met Rebekah," Katherine asks me. I smirk, "She really did not like you," I say. Katherine smiles, "And now she is going shopping across several different countries for herself and all of the other girls," Katherine adds. 

A bartender comes and offers a drink, "Are you two near here," she asks. Katherine nods, "I have been here before," I say. "Really, when?" the bartender asks. I smirk, "Oh, it feels a hundred years ago," I say. Katherine giggles, and I smile at the sound. "I'm Camille, by the way," the bartender says. "Cami, actually," the woman amends. "I'm Katherine Pierce," The woman I have been in love with introduces. "And I'm Elijah," I introduce. "What brought you back to New Orleans," Cami asks. "My family called this place our home a long time ago," I start to explain. "And now, we want to make it our home again," I say knowing Niklaus wants New Orleans safe for Caroline. "Well, good luck," Cami says. 

Sage's POV

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Sage's POV

Finn and I are walking the streets of New Orleans, "I have been here before," I say. Finn looks at me surprised. "When?" he asks. "Well, I was going to try to steal your coffin and undagger you myself," I say. He smirks, "And what happened," Finn asks. "Well I ran into Elijah and he told me to leave before Niklaus or Rebekah found out," I say offhandedly. "Are you Finn Mikaelson," a voice says from behind me. "I am," he says, "Why?" he asks. "I need to speak to Klaus," she says. "I will speak with my brother," he says.  

Davina's POV

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Davina's POV

Sitting by myself thinking about Kol there is a knock on my door. "Come in," I say, not even looking towards the door. "Thank you for the invite," a voice says. I turn to the door and see Kol and Annalee, "Hello, darling," Kol says stepping into the room. Annalee smiles and follows her little brother into the room. Annalee smiles, "Petit oiseau," she greets. "Wait, what does that mean," I ask. "It means little bird," Kol says. "How would you like your first magic lesson," Anna asks. I smile and nod, Anna nods towards Kol and he sets up a canvas. Anna gives me a paint brush, "Paint, but not close to the canvas," Anna says. 

I make the paintbrush through the air and start to paint, but not a portrait. I paint a landscape, I paint what I remember from the city I grew up in. 

Nik's POV

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Nik's POV

Walking down the streets of the city I so love, with the woman I love more. "I'm hungry," Caroline says. "Again," I ask. She glares at me, "On my way here, you told me that this city was your favorite place in the world because it has the best music, art and food," Caroline quotes me. I sigh and nod, "The music is fine, art is boring and now food," she says. "Art is boring," I ask. She smirks and nods, "I'm sorry did I hurt your precious ego," she teases. I growl, and she laughs. 

We continue walking hand in hand when all the sudden I stop, "Nik, what is it," Caroline asks. I  am lost for words, ahead of me in the crowd is a man I thought was dead for a hundred years. "See that man," I say nodding my head towards him. Caroline follows my line of sight and nods. "Last I knew, Mikael killed him in 1919," I whisper. "He is not supposed to be alive," Caroline concludes. I nod. "I need to call Rebekah," I say. "Why, Rebekah," Caroline asks. "Because she and Marcel had a relationship," I say vaguely. "And now Marcel is alive," Caroline concludes. 

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