Preparing for War

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Dahlia's POV

After confronting my niece and nephews, and realizing that they were not like their mother. They were not going to just hand over the child, with no questions asked, there would be a fight and I needed to recruit my sister to fight her children. I used a spell to bring her dead body to me, and then bring her back from the dead. I opened her coffin with ease, and looked down upon my little sister's dead body. Despite my resentment towards her, I still cared a lot for her.

Esther was so pure before the Vikings invaded, she was like a small flower, beautiful and gentle. After she met Mikael, things changed for her, she was less interested in magic and more interested in having a family. Esther came to me, a year after she got married to Mikael because she could not have children. I helped her have children in exchange for the first born from each generation.

I drip my blood right over top of Esther's heart, and set up the spell. "Vitas Phasmatis, Ex Salito, Revertas Phasmatis. Ut Vectas, Vitas Phasmatos, Ex Salito, Vitas Phasmatis," I mutter continuously. Esther breathes heavily. "Dahlia," she whispers. "Sister," I say. "Why have you brought me back to life," Esther asks. "Your son, Niklaus has had a set of twins," I tell her. "And he is refusing to hand over the older child," I say. "What are you going to do," Esther asks. "I am going to fix your mistake, but I need to know how I kill your children," I ask. "The spell that I did gave them one weakness," Esther says. "The white oak," Esther says. I turn to her, "Where would I find the white oak," I ask. She reaches in the coffin and grabs a stake from the bottom, "This should do it," she says. I smirk, and set it on fire, for my spell I need the ashes to kill Esther's children.

Annalee's POV

"Nikaus, in my vision, there was a large wolf," I tell him. "So I need to turn," he asks. "Not exactly," I say, opening the door to the study. Niklaus looks in the room and sighs, "I need your blood," I tell him, nodding towards the room. "Where," he asks. "Over his heart," I say. He bites his wrist and drips it onto Ansel's body, "Will this work," Nik asks. "Only one way to find out," I say. He gives me a look, "Bloody hell, it was a joke, Niklaus," I say. "Vitas Phasmatis, Ex Salito, Revertas Phasmatis. Ut Vectas, Vitas Phasmatos, Ex Salito, Vitas Phasmatis," I chant. Ansel breathes harshly, waking up, "We need your help," I say. "You killed me," Ansel says. "You were spelled by Esther to kill him," I say. "Annalee," he greets. "Niklaus's children are in danger," I say. "And I had a vision of you helping us protect them," I say. "Anything to protect them," Ansel vows.

Leaving Niklaus and Ansel to talk, I go and set up a spell. "Bonnie, Davina," I call them as I get ready to leave the compound. "I need your help with a spell," I say. They follow me, "Where are we going," Davina asks. "We are deciding where we should kill Dahlia," I say. Bonnie and Davina give me a look, "Oh, right," Bonnie says. "I was thinking, if I used one type of magic for a thousand years, I probably would not defend against it," I say. They both give me a look, "We are setting up the spell for kenning," I say and they both smirk.

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