Sweet Mikaelson Twins

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Third Person POV

The Mikaelsons knew that Caroline was very close to giving birth and Anna was preparing for the time that she would give birth. Anna and Finn knew that telling their sibling about their mother's plan would only stress Nik out and in turn Caroline. 

Caroline spent the majority of her time adding finishing touches to the nursery under the watchful eye of Nik. She laughed when she caught him watching over her and rubbed her stomach affectionately. "You are going to have a tough time dating, little one," she whispered knowing that he could hear her. "And by tough time, your mom means that it's not going to happen," Nik adds coming closer to Caroline. "You should be sitting, love," he tells her. Caroline then pulled out a piece of paper, "Okay, Nursery: check," she whispered. "Is that a checklist," Nik asks. "Yes, what about it," she says hotly. "I was just wondering," Nik says putting his hands up showing that he was surrendering. "Baby names: check," Caroline reads before looking up at the embroidered pillows in the cribs. "Give birth," Nik mutters teasingly. Caroline glares at him and throws a blanket, which he catches swiftly. "That's not funny," she says. "I know, love, I know," he apologizes. "But you are stressing yourself out," he says taking the list away. "You have everything under control and any unforeseen variables, my sister took care of," Nik tells her. Caroline sighs and leans into Nik, "I love you," she whispers. "I love you more," Nik replies. 

Later that day, Caroline was sitting on a couch in the courtyard, thinking

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Later that day, Caroline was sitting on a couch in the courtyard, thinking. She groans after a moment, and rubs her stomach, "You are definitely your father's kids, because you are becoming a pain in the -," Caroline starts before groaning again. "Are you okay," Kol asks. "I'm fine," Caroline dismisses. "Sure," Kol says. "Nik, you may want to come to the courtyard," he whispers under his breath. He then gets hit with a pillow, "I can hear you," Caroline growls. Nik walks into the courtyard, "What's wrong," he asks. "Nothing, I'm fine," Caroline replies before groaning again. Kol rolls his eyes, "ANNA," he yells. Their sister walks into the room, "What, Kol," she asks. "Caroline says she is fine but has been groaning in pain at the same time," Kol says. Anna walks over to Caroline, and puts a hand in her stomach. After a moment her eyes widen, "Caroline, how often has this been happening," she asks. "I don't know," Caroline says with a groan. "Nik, get her up to your bedroom. Kol, ask the girls to help. Caroline, you are in labor," Anna says. 

Nik's POV

Bloody hell.

I quickly pick Caroline up, bridal style and take her to the bedroom. Anna follows and helps her down onto the bed. Anna snaps her fingers and Caroline's outfit is changed. The girls enter, "Kol said that Caroline is in labor," Bekah says. Anna nods, "I am going to need your help," she says. My sister and my eventual in-laws spring into action, Bonnie and Davina do a spell to help Caroline while Katherine and Bekah prepare clothes and blankets for the twins. Sage helps Anna get ready to deliver the babies. I hold Caroline's hand, "It will be alright, love," I say encouragingly. She glares at me, "Oh, really," she accuses. "I don't see you trying to push children out," she mutters. She then begins to blame me for her current situation. "Caroline keep cursing my brother out, I hear it helps," Anna adds. "Anna," I exclaim. "What," Anna asks. "You should have heard Esther giving birth to you," Anna says. Caroline squeezes on my hand harder and I wince. "I can see baby number one," Anna says in a soothing voice. I smile, "Keep pushing," Anna says. Caroline continues pushing and screaming. "Hello, baby girl," Anna whispers. I turn to my sister and see the little baby in her arms.

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