Foiled Plans

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Davina's POV

I walk into the compound and see Anna preparing a spell in the courtyard. "Petite oiseau," she calls. "Hey, I was wondering if Kol was here," I say. Anna turns to me, "He left a little while ago," Anna tells me. "He did not come to the apartment," Davina says. Anna's eyes harden, "ANNA," I hear Rebekah shout. The two of us turn to the staircase and see an angry Rebekah followed by Elijah and Katherine.

 The two of us turn to the staircase and see an angry Rebekah followed by Elijah and Katherine

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"Yes, Rebekah," Anna asks. "Elijah just told me that he wants to have a wedding in four days," Rebekah says. "Bekah, we have more important things to worry about," Anna says. "What could possibly be more important than Elijah's impromptu wedding," Rebekah asks turning to glare at Elijah. "Kol is missing," Anna deadpans. Elijah and Katherine look up as Rebekah turns to us. Rebekah hums, "I guess that works," she says. "Go get Niklaus and Caroline," Anna says. Elijah nods and heads upstairs, "Davina, sit here and I will set up the spell," Anna tells me and I sit down.

Klaus and Caroline come downstairs with Elijah, "Kol is missing," Caroline asks. Finn and Sage walk into the courtyard as well, Anna continues setting up the spell. "Call Bonnie, I may need her help," Anna says. Finn leaves to make a call and Anna spreads the salt around. "I'll look for Kol using a spell," Anna says, grabbing my hands. "Nik, Rebekah check the Lenore tomb for me," Anna says. Klaus and Rebekah leave immediately and Anna begins chanting. She opens her eyes, "I was right, he is in the Lenore tomb," Anna says. Bonnie walks into the courtyard, "Anna," she says, "I need your help, we are going to stop Esther," Anna says.

Esther's POV

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Esther's POV

"So, you kidnap me and then don't offer me anything to drink," Kol asks me, snarkily. I roll my eyes, "What would you like," I ask. "I like the irony of having red wine, it's a good thing that you and Mikael are separated, or else I might get a sword to the heart," Kol says. I glare at him and pour two glasses of wine, I turn away from the glasses for a moment. "You know when Mikael stabbed me in the heart and turned me into an Original, I lost something," Kol says, as I turn back to him. "What did you lose, your innocence," I say sarcastically taking a sip of the wine. Kol smirks and shakes his head, "Not exactly," he says.

The door bursts open and Niklaus and Rebekah enter, Kol smirks

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The door bursts open and Niklaus and Rebekah enter, Kol smirks. My eyes follow Niklaus as Rebekah heads over to Kol, Kol whispers to Rebekah and both of them smirk. "And before you three get an ideas, I think the little brunette thaat i have seen you with Kol will be my next host," I taunt and Kol growls. "When I was turned into an Original, I lost my magic," Kol says. "You did not have magic," I say. "Oh, but I did," Kol growls and snaps his fingers, and everything goes black.

Niklaus's POV

"Are you okay," I ask. Kol nods, "And you are sure that she had vampire blood in her system," Rebekah asks. Kol nods, "It was in the wine," Kol explains. Rebekah and I nod, "Come on, let's head back to the compound," I say. The three of us, leave the Lenore tomb and Kol uses the bond between him and Davina to lock the tomb.

We head back to the compound, and as soon as we get back, Anna pulls Kol into a hug, and then Kol hugs Davina and kisses her forehead. "Good work, Kol, getting her to drink the wine," Anna says. He nods, and wraps his arms around Davina. "Bekah, you can start to worry about the wedding now," Anna says. I laugh, as Kol turns to look at Rebekah, "Elijah finally told you can start planning the wedding," Kol asks. "She has been planning the wedding since I asked to help me with the proposal," Elijah retorts. "Or since she was eight," Anna says. "Nik, I think you have to do something," Anna says.

I head upstairs to see Caroline putting the twins down for a nap

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I head upstairs to see Caroline putting the twins down for a nap. "Hey," I say. "Hey," she whispers. "How does going on a trip sound," I ask. "That sounds fun," Caroline says. "Okay, I have a place in mind, all you have to do is pack," I say. Caroline smiles, "But these two need to sleep," Caroline says. "We will let them," I say. She smiles, "Okay, I will pack and you will drive," Caroline tells me. "I have one more errand to run," I tell her. Caroline nods, and heads into our room to begin packing. I follow her and kiss her head, "I'll be right back," I whisper. She nods, and I leave our room, when I get to the courtyard, I see a blood bag on the table. "She always knows," I whisper.

I head back to the Lenore tomb with the blood bag, I lean against the door frame and pull out the diamond ring for Caroline. Esther gasps and I put the ring away, she turns towards the door. "Ahh, good you're up," I taunt. "How does Kol have magic," Esther asks holding her chest. "He had magic a thousand years ago, and Anna taught him everything he wanted to know," I say. "And then you took his magic away from him," I continue. "Technically, she took his magic away given the fact that I used her magic to make you vampires," Esther says. "Technically, she gave him his magic back, but that is a story for another time," I growl. "You may be feeling a little twitchy but that comes with trying to outwit Kol," I taunt. "And in that fact, you can no longer hurt this family," I growl. I throw the blood bag down on the ground in front of her, "Here you can decide, that's more than you gave your children," I say, leaving the tomb.

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