Meal With the Mother

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Third Person POV

The girls go downstairs to the courtyard and find a large breakfast spread throughout the room. "He does realize that we are already married and the large breakfast is a normal thing for this family and not impressive, right," Sage asks. Finn walks in and notices the breakfast, "This is not from me," he says. Katherine shrugs, "I hope this is not a ploy for me to allow him to wear black at our wedding," she says. Elijah comes in and kisses her cheek, "No, I would use other methods," he says. Sage and Katherine turn to the other three girls, "And then there were three," they say in unison. "Maybe it's an apology," Caroline says. "From who," Bonnie asks. "From a certain someone who apparently has supernatural hearing all the time except when the twins are crying at three in the morning," she says. "It's from our mother," Anna says from the balcony. Caroline raises her arms in defeat and sighs. Anna then moves the cloche with her magic allowing two birds to fly out, the girls all flinch at the movement not expecting it, Elijah walks over to the table. "Dinner, your home, 8 p.m.," he reads.

Annalee's POV


Esther was pregnant with Henrik and I was getting Kol and Bekah ready for breakfast. "Careful, it's hot," I tell Kol and Bekah. I look around and do not see Nik. "Elijah, Finn, watch over these two," I tell them. "Kol, Bekah be good," I tell them.

I found Nik in the woods sitting next to a tree, "Can I sit," I ask. Nik nods, I sit down next to him. "What's wrong, Nik," I ask. "Father is taking me hunting," Nik whispers. "I know, you were so excited about it last night before you went to bed," I say. "But what if I'm no good," he says. "Well, you don't know if you don't try," I say. "But, Anna," he whines. "Do you want to know what I do when I'm afraid," I ask. "You're never afraid," Nik says. "Of course I get afraid," I tell him.

I give him a little wooden box,  "This is what I call a fear box,"  I say

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I give him a little wooden box, "This is what I call a fear box," I say. Nik looks at the little box, "I hold it and think about all the things I'm afraid of," I tell him. "And then I use a spell," I say as I whisper a spell under my breath. "When I open the box," I say opening it, then Nik and I watch as little pink and blue birds fly out of the box. "All my fears are carried away," I say. "I want to try," Nik says. "All right," I say, closing the box.

Nik holds the box and scrunches up his face, "All right," he says. I whisper the spell again and Nik opens the box up. When the box is open, little green wolves carry his fears away. "How do you feel now," I ask. "Really good," he says. "Now come on, if you are going hunting you need to eat," I say.

Third Person POV


Nik comes downstairs and raises his eyebrows at the breakfast, "Which of my siblings need to apologize for something," he asks. "Your mother," Caroline says as Elijah hands him the slip of paper. Klaus reads the paper and growls, "What are we going to do now," he asks. "We are going to show her that we stand together," Anna tells Nik. He nods, "Girls we need to plan a dinner," Anna says. Caroline claps excitedly, "You are on baby duty," she says to Klaus. He nods, going up to the nursery. "Elijah, call your brother," Anna adds. Elijah leaves the room to call Kol who had been staying with Davina. Kol and Davina were kicked out of the compound after getting carried away when they were supposed to be babysitting.

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