Return to New Orleans

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Annalee's POV

Niklaus, Elijah and Finn are already planning to tease Kol when he returns to New Orleans this afternoon. Rebekah cannot wait to get Davina home because she is planning to get her fitted for a bridesmaid's dress for Finn's wedding. The girls, have been planning Finn and Sage's wedding since we arrived in New Orleans, and as soon as Rebekah has had her hands full since she found out that Elijah was planning to propose and she took over that as well. 

Lately I have been working on getting the factions together for a meeting. Elijah has asked if he can help plan the meeting, I told him that I was perfectly capable. I have asked Liz Forbes to come to New Orleans to be the leader of the human faction and to be here for when Caroline goes into labor. So with Liz Forbes as the human representative, Rebekah as the representative of the Originals faction, the representative from the werewolf faction is Hayley, Katherine as the leader of the vampire faction and finally Bonnie Bennett as the representative of the witch faction. Elijah may want to be involved but I don't think he would fit in with this group. 

As I have watched each of my siblings get close to their true mates, I have slowly gotten to know Waylon. I am going to tell Rebekah about it later, knowing that if I told my brothers things would go badly for Waylon. 

Rebekah's POV

I knock on Anna's study door, "Come in, Rebekah," Anna says. I open the door and slip into the room. "What is it, Rebekah," Anna asks. "I just thought of something," I say. "And what is that," Anna asks me. "Well, Kol came back from Australia talking about the fact that you have created a link for every supernatural," I start. She looks up at me looking almost shocked. "And as you are a witch," I add. She sighs, "Yes, Rebekah," Anna says. "You have a true mate," I exclaim.

 "You have a true mate," I exclaim

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 "BEKAH," she exclaims. "We are keeping this quiet," she adds. I smile and nod. I sit down across from her, as she starts working on something. She looks up at me, "Do you want to hear about him," Anna asks me. I smile and nod, Anna stands up and comes around her desk and sits on the small sofa in her study. She pats the spot next to her and I sit down. "Well his name is Waylon and he is a witch," Anna starts. "He lives right outside of New Orleans," Anna begins again. My eyebrows raise, "He lives outside of New Orleans," I repeat. Anna nods, "Well hearing about this guy is one thing but meeting him is something totally different," I say. Anna sighs and nods her ascent, the two of us get up and head out of her study to the compound. 

Kol's POV

I arrive at the compound with Davina, Caroline and Katherine immediately come downstairs to take Davina away. I roll my eyes when she turns back to me and waves. Nik and Elijah come downstairs, "Brother, how was your vacation with Miss Claire," Elijah asks. I roll my eyes, "You can't pick on me because I will get you in trouble," I say. Elijah and Nik smirk, "Anna is not here at the moment," Finn says. "Where is our sister," I ask. "Rebekah and Anna are going shopping I think," Elijah says. I roll my eyes, "Where did your true mates take mine," I ask Nik and Elijah. "Upstairs to your room, they are preparing for our brother's wedding," Nik tells me. I turn to Finn, "When is your wedding," I ask. "Good question," he says. "You have not been told when your wedding is," I say. "No, I just hope they tell me when I am supposed to be at the altar," Finn says. I shake my head, not exactly surprised that Bekah has not told our brother when his wedding is. 

Annalee's POV

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Annalee's POV

"Which one is he," Rebekah asks nearly bouncing up and down. I laugh, "Bekah, calm down," I say. She stops, "He's the blonde one," I tell her. "Oh, he's cute," Rebekah says. I roll my eyes, "When are you going to tell our brothers," Rebekah asks. "There is a party to celebrate the fact that the factions are at peace," I tell Rebekah, "I have invited Waylon to the party," Anna finishes. "You do realize that this is a secret between the two of us," Anna tells me. Rebekah laughs, "I know, Anna," Bekah says. 

Rebekah and I head back to the compound, when we arrive we see Kol

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Rebekah and I head back to the compound, when we arrive we see Kol. "Slu rev," I say. "Anna," he replies. "Bekah with Kol returned which means Davina is upstairs with the other girls," I say. Rebekah heads upstairs almost immediately, "Now, Kol," I start knowing that he has a connection to Davina and that means he will get some of his magic back. "Yes, Anna," he says. "Can you bring Davina down for me, I need you to try something," I ask him. He nods and heads upstairs. 

Davina's POV

Katherine, Caroline and Rebekah have had several seamstresses working on my dress. "How does that feel," Rebekah asks me. I smile, "It feels good, um..." I say. "Go on, say it," Katherine says noticing my expression. "Does it seem a little long," I ask. The three of them look at my dress, "No, it looks good," Caroline says. There is a knock on the door, "Anna needs Davina," Kol says. I smile, "One minute," Rebekah calls. They help me out of the dress and into some new clothes after traveling all day. 

I head downstairs with Kol and see Anna setting something up

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I head downstairs with Kol and see Anna setting something up. "What is this, sister," Kol asks. "You'll see," Anna tells him. "Anna," Kol whines, she gives him a look. "Now, Kol channel you bond with Davina and crush the can," Anna says. Kol gives her a look, "Anna," he says. Anna looks at him and nods towards the can. Kol sighs and moves his hand a little and the can crushes. His eyes widen in shock, and Anna walks away. 

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