The Ball

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From the room that I decided was my study, I could hear my little siblings. Kol, talking about his appearance, Rebekah putting him in his place, Elijah and Finn pretending that they were not enjoying our little brother and sister teasing each other. Then like clock work, the little bubble of family moment was broken because someone overstepped. "You went after Elena?!" Nik shouted, I was waiting to hear who he was talking to, my guess was Rebekah. "Here we go," I heard my little sister say. I got up and started walking towards the parlor in which my siblings are in, when I get to the doorway, Rebekah notices me first. Nik and Kol are in each other's faces, "Disappointed Anna," Rebekah mutters and all four of my brothers turn and look at me, Nik and Kol look away almost immediately. "Nik, come with me," I tell him. He hangs his head and follows me out of the room.

"Nik," I start when we reach my study

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"Nik," I start when we reach my study. "Anna, he was baiting me," he defends himself. "Did you ever think about the fact that you both lost a part of yourselves?" I ask him. "What are you talking about?" he asks. "Kol was a young warlock a thousand years ago, Nik," I start "When he became a vampire he lost his touch with nature, and there was no getting that back," I tell him. "I never thought of it like that," he admits. "You worked to get a part of yourself that Esther kept from you. Kol on the other hand is never going to get that back," I tell him. Nik sighs in defeat, "Now, who are you bringing to the ball?" I ask him. He laughs lightly, "The ball is for you, I don't need a date," he tells me. I raise an eyebrow, "So you did not send a blue dress to a blonde vampire?" I ask him pointedly. "How did you know that?" he asks with a shocked look on his face. "I am your older sister, Niklaus. I know everything," I tell him teasingly. "I would like to speak to her at the ball," I tell him. "Give her the older sister talk," he says cheekily. "Something along those lines," I say vaguely. "Now, I have to go get ready with our baby sister," I tell him.

Rebekah's POV

Anna was back, I could not get over the fact. She is off talking to Nik, and then we are going to get ready for the ball in her honor. "Okay, Bekah," she says walking into the room. "I'm all yours," she says allowing me to take over and dress her up for tonight's ball. I squeal excited, when we were younger, Anna would always let me do her hair and in return she would do mine. "You don't know what you are getting yourself into, Anna," Elijah tells her, teasing me. Kol snorts and Nik follows Anna into the room smirking and I realize that he heard the last part of the conversation. She gives all four of them her best 'I'm disappointed in you' look and they all back down. Having our older sister in the house again makes everything easier for me. We go up to my room, and she sits down at the vanity so I can do her hair. "What are you wearing to the ball?" I ask and with a wave of her hand a dress appears. The dress is beautiful, it has a black tulle bottom and an embroidered top. The sleeves were just off the shoulders and go to her wrists.

 The sleeves were just off the shoulders and go to her wrists

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