Slu Rev and Petit Oiseau

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Third Person POV

In his thousand years of life, Kol Mikaelson never thought that someone would come into his life. But knowing his older sister, she would always take care of her siblings. He was suddenly glad that Rebekah planned the trip. He knew that he could plan it, but Rebekah loved planning things. Then the next morning, Kol and Davina got in a car and were driven to the airport. They arrived at the airport and got onto the private jet that the Mikaelsons owned. "Where are we going," Davina asks. "Rebekah planned a bunch of dates in Barcelona," Kol tells her. "She even rented a small villa," Kol says. "Well that sounds like a step up from the attic," Davina says with a giggle. Kol smiles, glad that she was not thinking he was trying to impress her. 

When they landed in Barcelona, Kol noticed the hybrid that accompanied him to Australia standing next to a red Ferrari.  "Sarah," Kol greets. "Mr. Mikaelson, Miss Claire," she greets. "Rebekah wanted to make sure that you received your transportation," Sarah says. Kol looks at the car, and whistles. "Which is prettier, me or the car," Davina teases. "Do you want me to tell you the truth," Kol asks. Davina rolls her eyes, "Here is your address for the week," Sarah says before she gets into the plane. 

Kol opens the car door for Davina, "I think we should see how over the top my sister went with this villa," Kol says starting the car. He drives to the address and is pleasantly surprised that Rebekah did not go crazy. The villa looks like it was for two people, "Wow," Davina whispers. "What," Kol asks. "This is really nice," she says.

The first date was a hot air balloon ride, and when the balloon landed they had a mountain side picnic

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The first date was a hot air balloon ride, and when the balloon landed they had a mountain side picnic. Kol helps Davina into the balloon, and then puts the picnic basket inside. "How funny would it be if I used my magic to make this go before you get in," Davina asks. "It would not be funny at all," Kol says getting into the balloon. They lift off, "How did your sister make sure this happened," Davina asks. "Rebekah is a perfectionist, when she wants something it either gets done by her or she complains to her older brothers and makes them get it done," Kol says. "She sounds like a brat sometimes," Davina says. "Well, she is," Kol says. "But she is still your baby sister," Davina says. "You are going to get along with my sisters and their little group that they have created," Kol says. Davina laughs.

The balloon lands and Kol jumps out and ties the balloon down so it does not fly away during the picnic. He holds his hand out for her and she grabs it. He steadies her when she steps out of the balloon, he then grabs the picnic basket in his other hand. They reach an outlook and the two of them set up the picnic. Davina grabs several grapes and sits across from Kol, and when he is not paying attention she throws a grape at him. He turns to her, "What was that," he asks. "Have you ever thrown something at someone to see if they could catch it in their mouth," Davina asks him. "Maybe when I was younger, but usually they would make sure the person was paying attention," Kol argues. "Fine, are you paying attention now," Davina asks teasingly. He nods and sits up a little straighter, she throws a grape at him and he catches it. Davina's mouth pops open in shock, "By the way Elijah is really bad at this," he says. "I thought you said that, you did it when you were younger," Davina argues. "Yes, 1820," Kol says. She glares at him, "When you said younger, I thought you meant when you were human," Davina says. "Well, also then," Kol says. They finish lunch and get back on the balloon to head back to the villa. 

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