Marcel's Alive?

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Rebekah's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing, I grab it and see that Nik is calling. "Nik, aren't you supposed to be showing off the city to Caroline," I say annoyed. "Marcel is alive," Nik says. I sit up, "What do you mean," I ask. "Caroline and I were walking through the city and we saw him," Nik says. "How fast can you get to New Orleans," Nik asks. "Give me two days," I say before hanging up and getting ready to go to that godforsaken city. 

Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

After Nik got off the phone with Rebekah, I got a text from Sage saying that Finn needed to speak with his brother. "You need to call Finn," I tell Nik. "What, why," I show him the text from Sage. And he calls his brother, after a moment of him on the phone he hangs up and holds out his hand for me to take. "Someone needs to speak with me," he says. "About what," I ask. He shrugs, "They would not tell Finn," Nik says. "Klaus?" a voice says from behind us. Nik and I turn, Nik putting himself in front of me, "Marcel," he mutters. "What are you doing back here?" Marcel asks. "Well I wanted to show off the beautiful city," Nik says sarcastically. "MY beautiful city," Marcel counters, with emphasis on the word my. Nik's eyes darken, "Yours?" Nik asks. "Well after you and your siblings ran away from dear old dad, I rebuilt this place," Marcel says. "Oh, I'm sure you did," Kol says from behind Marcel. Marcel turns to see Kol, Elijah, Finn and Annalee standing there. Of course Sage and Katherine are there as well.

 Of course Sage and Katherine are there as well

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"Who are you," Marcel asks harshly. "My name is Annalee Mikaelson and I am Nik's older sister," Anna says with authority in her voice. "Rebekah will be joining us in a few short days. But don't get your hopes up, she is not coming back for you," Anna says to Marcel. "Nik, Caroline," she calls. Nik smirks and we go around Marcel. 

Anna leads us to a woman who is standing outside a shop. "Sophie," Anna greets. "I think we have something to discuss,"  she says. "We need to speak to Klaus," Sophie says. Nik steps forward, "What do you want," he asks harshly. "We need your help getting rid of Marcel," Sophie says. "Which is why, we have linked the life of your baby to myself," Sophie threatens. Nik turns to me and I put a hand on my stomach. "You just had to make that vision come true now didn't you," Anna mutters. "Is this truly about Marcel," Kol asks. Sophie turns to him, "Marcel refuses to let us do magic, my sister died linking me to Caroline. It is about Marcel," Sophie says. But judging by Kol and Annalee's facial expressions they think something else is going on. "So this has nothing to do with Davina," Anna says. Sophie pales and their words are confirmed. 


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