Lines Are Drawn

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Elena's POV

"Bonnie, we have to save Caroline," I tell my witch. "Elena, she is safe," Bonnie argues. "She is with Klaus and his siblings, Bonnie. How is that safe," I argue. "She is being compelled, she does not understand what is going on," I tell Bonnie. She laughs, "She is not being compelled," Bonnie says. "Then she is cursed," I try. "She is not being cursed either," Bonnie yells. "Caroline is not safe there is something going on. Maybe she is being spelled," I yell back. "She is not being- well kind of," Bonnie says. "So you can undo it," I say. "I can't undo it," Bonnie says laughing. "What do you mean, you are a witch. That's basically your job," I yell at her. "I thought I was your friend," Bonnie argues. "And now you are a witch," I argue. "I was your friend before I became a witch, Elena," Bonnie yells at me sounding offended. "And so was Caroline and then she started hanging out with that family," I tell Bonnie. "Caroline started hanging out with that family because they chose her first instead of you," Bonnie yells. "Wow, thanks Bonnie. first your witch warning was false and now you tell me that no one chooses her," I argue. "My witch warning," Bonnie asks. "You said that there was a weapon in the coffin, and now we have to deal with the older sister of that family," I say. "You and Anna actually have a lot in common," Bonnie mutters. "How are we alike, I am now a vampire because of her spell," I argue. "You mean the protection spell that an older sister placed on her younger siblings. Just like you compelling Jeremy away to protect him," Bonnie points out. "That is different," I argue. "How are those things different," Bonnie asks. "Compelling Jeremy was my idea, their sister did not even ask me," I argue. "Just like how you did not ask Jeremy for his opinion before you had Damon compel him to live in Denver," Bonnie says before leaving the house. 

Caroline's POV

As Nik continues to paint his portrait of me, Kol comes rushing into the room with an exasperated Anna following him

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As Nik continues to paint his portrait of me, Kol comes rushing into the room with an exasperated Anna following him. "Slu rev, calm down," Anna tells him using an affectionate nickname. "I can't calm down, we have to test this," Kol says looking towards Nik and I. "Test what, brother," Nik says. "I did some research on 'True Mates' and there is evidence that when mated with a wolf, the wolf is very protective even in their wolf form," Kol starts explaining. "Meaning even though Caroline is a vampire, Nik would not hurt her because you two are connected," Anna finishes. I look at Nik, to see that he is already looking at me with a worried expression. "Lille Ulv, don't be worried. I can cast a protection spell on Caroline to make sure nothing happens to her," Anna says. Nik sighs, "Fine," Nik says turning to me, "but only if you are comfortable," he says to me. "Uh, yeah," I say. "Uhh...Anna, Caroline, the two of you have a guest," Rebekah says. Anna and I start to leave, "She wants to talk to Kol as well," Rebekah says before he leaves as well. 

We go downstairs and see Bonnie down there crying, I immediately bring her into a hug

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We go downstairs and see Bonnie down there crying, I immediately bring her into a hug. "What's going on," I ask. "I got into an argument with Elena, she wants me to unlink you from Klaus," Bonnie says. Kol snorts from behind me and Anna smiles, Bonnie looks at them, "That's not possible, is it?" Bonnie asks. Anna looks at Kol, "It's possible but the consequences would be very bad," Kol says. "What else Bonnie," Anna asks. "She thinks that you should pay for the fact that she is a vampire," Bonnie says looking at Anna. Anna sighs, and Kol growls, "Well, she is an older sister, I thought she would understand," Anna says to her brother. "I tried to tell her that and she said that your situations were different," Bonnie says. "Well, if she does not want to accept that her friends are happy than looks like the lines are drawn," Anna mutters under her breath. 

She then turns to Bonnie, "Bonnie I would like your help with a spell, Kol go get your brother," Anna says as we walk outside. "Caroline," Anna says holding out her hand, I reach out and grab and she starts chanting under her breath. Kol and Nik walk out the back door, they look at Anna chanting and Kol walks over to Bonnie, "She is doing a protection spell, then she needs you help with a small boundary spell," Kol whispers to Bonnie who nods. Anna drops my hand, and Kol gives her a bag of salt. Anna takes a handful of salt and throws it in the air, and a circle appears around me. "Bonnie," Anna says. Bonnie reaches for her hands and Anna turns to Kol, "Little brother, do you know the spell," she asks. "Facere terminum interm eam et periculum," he says. She nods, and turns to Bonnie, and they both start chanting, "Facere terminum interm eam et periculum, facere terminum interm eam et periculum, facere terminum interm eam et periculum." Then there is a boundary between me and Nik and it's like glass. "Kol can you take Bonnie inside," Anna tells her brother before turning to Nik, "Are you ready?" he nods. Then he closes his eyes and starts to turn. 

After a moment there is a black wolf in front of me, he looks at me and his eyes change from the werewolf gold to Nik's ocean blue

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After a moment there is a black wolf in front of me, he looks at me and his eyes change from the werewolf gold to Nik's ocean blue. Anna smiles, "Good." Nik gets closer and goes around the boundary spell, brushing his body on the glass-like wall between us. I smile and then hear a voice in my head. 'Put your hand against the boundary,' Nik says. I look at Anna and she raises her eyebrow, as I place a hand on the boundary between the two of us. Nik stops moving.
All of the sudden I am touching the fur of the black wolf, Nik and I both look at Anna and she nods. Nik sits in his wolf form and puts his head against my own. I close my eyes and take a breath, and think, 'Werewolves natural enemies are vampires and I feel safe with you.' I hear his laugh in my head, 'That's good love.' I sit down on the ground and Nik wraps his wolf body around my own and I lay my head on his shoulder. 

All of the sudden, Nik stands up as Kol and Rebekah run out the back door

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All of the sudden, Nik stands up as Kol and Rebekah run out the back door. I turn to look at them and I see Anna closing her eyes. Kol catches her as she falls and looks from Nik to Rebekah. Rebekah runs into the house and comes back with clothes for Nik. Kol picks Anna up and takes her into the house, Rebekah throws the clothes on the ground and I hear Nik say 'Go inside, love.' I nod and turn to run inside. 

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