Spreading Her Wings

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Rebekah's POV

A few hours after Elijah and Katerina leave, Kol and Nik come into the sitting room smirking. "That's never a good sign," I say watching them warily. "What do you mean darling sister, wherever I go only good things follow," Kol says. Nik and I give him a look. "Bekah, because you have been busying yourself with planning Finn and Elijah's trips, Kol and I have taken on the task of planning your date," Nik says. I glare at him, "You didn't," I mutter. Nik and Kol look at each other, "Yep, we planned everything, even made reservations," Kol says smirking. Zachary looks down trying to hide his smirk, since he arrived, Nik and Kol have decided to actually like him. I growl and leave the room, "Huh, Nik I don't think Bekah enjoyed our help, we were only trying to lighten her load," Kol says so I can hear him.

I burst into Anna's study and scream. Caroline and Anna turn to look at me, "I'm to kill them both," I say angrily. "Who," Caroline asks. "Your soulmate and Kol," I growl as I start to pace. "What happened, Rebekah," Caroline asks. "They planned her trip, like she planned Elijah and Finn's," Anna interrupts. "You knew?" I ask. "I tried to warn them against it, and when they did not listen, I changed some of the dates for you," Anna tells me gently. "Where am I going?" I ask slightly calmer. "The boys picked London," Anna says. "London," I whisper. 

"Now, we need to talk about something else," Anna says abruptly. "Should I..." Caroline starts to get up. "Actually this involves you as well," Anna says. "Rebekah I realized when I told Elijah and Finn that despite the fact that your brothers are a thousand years old they sometimes act like children," Anna says. "To complete the bond two soulmates must be intimate with each other," Anna explains. "Oh, that's why you aren't telling Kol, Nik or Zachary," I say with a smile on my face. Anna nods, "Now, Caroline you expressed interest in staying in Mystic Falls to plan a dance," Anna questions. "No, planning the dance comes after Rebekah comes home," Caroline starts explaining with a smile my way. "Nik wants to embrace the part of him that has been locked away for a thousand years, but he wants someone he can trust to do the protection spells," Caroline says. Anna hums in agreement, "He's also going to be giving me fighting lessons so I protect myself better," Caroline says. "Nik is not going to be giving the lessons," I argue knowing that he would never put her in danger. Caroline looks at me confused, "Besides if you want a Mikaelson to teach you to fight you want..." I start explaining before trailing off realizing that I had not told Anna who taught me to fight when we were human. "I knew what he was doing," Anna says. I nod, "You want Kol to teach you," I say quickly. "Rebekah you have to get ready to go," Anna says. I nod and leave Anna's study. 

I go downstairs and Zachary stands up, "Did the boys tell you that it is time to go?" I ask. He nods, "We have to drive to the airport but after that we head to London," I say excited. "Bekah," Kol and Nik say walking into the room. "Anna says that you chose London," I say turning towards them. "Well given how much you liked it the first time," Nik says to me smiling. "Now, there is a hybrid already at the airport waiting for you, he is there to protect you," Nik explains. "Nik, I can protect myself," I argue. "The hybrid is not from him," Kol mutters. I turn to him confused, "Overprotective older sister," Kol says. I nod in understanding. "Søt blomst," Anna says walking into the room with Caroline, "Enjoy your time in London." I nod and smile giving my older sister a hug. I hug Caroline as well before turning to Nik and Kol. "See you when I get back," I say hugging them in turn. Nik hands me my dagger, "I believe this is yours," he says kissing my cheek. "Thank you, big brother," I say.  Kol huffs annoyed. I look at him and smile, "Both of you," I add.  He smiles and kisses my cheek as well.  I turn to the door and Zachary and I leave.

Arriving at the airport,  a man comes up to the two of us.  "Rebekah Mikaelson?" he asks.  I nod, realizing that this is one of Nik's hybrids. "I am William, I was sent here to be your protection detail and lead you to the jet," he says. I nod and William takes our bags, he leads down a corridor and we walk past a window. I look out briefly and see a private jet with an 'M' insignia on the side. "Unbelievable," Zachary mutters. "What?" I ask. "Your family has a private jet," he says. "My family is a thousand years old and bored," I reply. 

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