No Mikaelson Baby Can Survive

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Sabine's POV

After having the vision about the amount of destruction that will come to this city if that baby survives, I decide to go to Agnes. I know that Sophie is my friend, but her life is not worth losing so many witches in the future. 

When I arrive at the place Agnes has been staying at, I tell her that I have news. She lets me in, "I have had a vision," I say after she makes me a cup of tea. She turns to me, "Tell me about it," she says. "The baby that Sophie is using to blackmail the Mikaelsons into helping us get our power back," I start and she becomes interested. "It's dangerous," I say. "How dangerous," Agnes asks. "If we allow this child to grow then she will destroy us all," I say. "Jane-Anne connected her sister to Klaus Mikaleson's soulmate before we knew she was pregnant," Agnes says. "She knew that the most important person to someone who is supernatural is their mate, the girl being pregnant was a curve ball we used," Agnes tells me. I nod remembering. "If this child is dangerous, we need to remove the obstacle from the playing field," she says. "What about Sophie," I ask. "Sophie is connected to the girl not the child," Agnes says. 

Agnes's POV

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Agnes's POV

I head out into the bayou to a trusted doctor that will help me end this child before it can destroy everything we have worked for. After I speak with her, I will go to the house where the girl is and convince her to go to the doctor's appointment. I feel bad for the girl, she did not ask to be in the Mikaelson mess. But after tonight, the mess will go away somewhat. She will no longer be pregnant with the hybrid's child. 

When I arrive at the doctor's office, the doctor recognizes me immediately. "Agnes, please come in," she says before leading me to a back room. "I have a young woman pregnant that needs to see a doctor," I tell her when we sit down in her office. She nods in understanding, "What seems to be the problem," she asks me. "The child is dangerous, a witch had a vision. If we allow this child to survive, we as a community won't," I tell her. "Then I will do my part," she agrees. I smile and hand her a picture of the young girl. "This is the young woman," I say as she picks up the picture. She nods, "I'll keep a look out," she says and then I leave. It is time for me to convince the young pregnant woman and the Mikaelsons that a doctor's appointment is necessary. 


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In Annalee's study she opens her eyes as a vision ends. She sighs, "Apparently Niklaus will be going with Caroline to her doctor's appointment," she mutters. She stands and starts to look out the window, "Because some of the New Orleans witches want to make sure that no Mikaelson baby can survive," she says. 


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