Secrets and Proposals

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Finn's POV

"Anna is keeping something from us," Nik says. I roll my eyes, "And if she is keeping something from us, it's for a good reason," Elijah says. "Bekah probably knows," Kol pitches in. We look at him, "Secret for a secret," he adds. Kol gets up, "I will go to talk to Bekah," he says leaving the room. 

Rebekah's POV

Kol comes down into the courtyard as we have some vampires setting up mock tables for the wedding. "What do you want, we are busy," I say. "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to do a secret for a secret," Kol asks. I turn to him, "You have a secret," I ask. He nods, "About who," I ask. "Elijah," Kol says. "Fine, I have one about Finn," I say. He raises his eyebrows surprised, "Fine," he says. 

"You first," I say

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"You first," I say. "Henrik and Anna walked in on Elijah and Tatia," Kol tells me. I look at him, "What," I ask. He nods, "Remember when he was miserable for a couple weeks in the tenth century," he asks. I think for a moment, then nod, "Apparently that was right after," Kol finishes. "Now, you," he says. "Finn's wedding is in a week," I tell him and I walk away. 

Nik's POV

Kol walks in, "Damn it," he mutters

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Kol walks in, "Damn it," he mutters. "Did you get any secrets from Rebekah," Elijah asks. "Yeah," Kol says. "Well," I push. "Finn's wedding is in a week," Kol tells us. I groan, Kol went to get a secret about Anna and got something that they would have told us anyway. "I also had to tell her a secret," Kol says. "What secret did you tell her," Finn asks. "About Henrik walking in on Tatia and Elijah," Kol says in a rush. Elijah groans, "Why would you," he starts. "I had to think of something that she would be interested in," Kol says. 

"ELIJAH," Rebekah shouts. We all turn and look at Kol, "Unbelievable," Elijah mutters.  He walks out of the study and we follow him, "Seriously, Henrik walked in on you and the doppelganger," she shouts. Elijah turns and glares at Kol who puts his hands up in surrender. "You realize I had to hear from Kol," Rebekah shouts. "Bekah," Elijah starts. "Nope, so I decided to play a little secret for a secret of my own with Katherine," Rebekah says. "I hope your proposal that was planned by me really works," she says. Elijah groans as Rebekah walks away, "You were planning on proposing to Katherine," Finn asks. Elijah nods and walks back into his study. He opens a drawer in his desk and pulls out a massive engagement ring. "Impressive, brother," Finn comments. "I have to do something," Elijah says. He smiles slightly before leaving the room. 

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