Surprises and Commitment

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Caroline's POV

Nik and I got both of the twins in the car for our super secret trip. "What was your errand," I ask, as we leave New Orleans. He sighs, "I gave Esther a blood bag," Nik says. I turn to him, "Really," I ask. He nods, "I had a conversation with her and then told that she can become the thing she hates for all time or she could die a slow and painful death," Nik explains. I nod, and turn to look at the babies, "You know, they are growing so fast," I say. He smiles and takes my hand from my lap and brings it to his lips. "Pretty soon, she'll be dating and he will be rough housing with his Uncle Kol," I say. Nik growls when I mention our daughter dating. I laugh, "They are perfect," Nik says. "Yeah they are," I whisper. "Where are we going," I ask as Klaus continues driving. "A house owned by my family, Kol and Anna took Davina here so that she could practice her magic," Nik tells me, I sigh as my phone starts ringing. "Hey, Bekah," I answer the phone. "Caroline, good you picked up," Bekah starts. "We need your help with wedding plans, the twins in the wedding or not," Bekah asks. "Of course," I say, excitedly. "Okay, I found the cutest little wagon to bring William down the aisle and a little carriage for Hope," Bekah says excitedly. The twins start crying and I reach over to the back seat to see what's wrong. "Anything else," I ask. "Yes, and we bought little baby wedding outfits as well, right," Rebekah asks. "Yes," I say. Bekah gags, "Are you okay," I ask. "Fine, just doing a taste testing and that was not good," she replies. "Where are you," Bekah asks. "Headed to a house owned by your family somewhere," I reply. "Well have fun, I have to finish setting up," Rebekah says. "Sounds good, I'll see you in a couple days," I say. "Bye," she says hanging up.

Rebekah's POV

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Rebekah's POV

After I get off the phone with Caroline, I cover my mouth with my hand confused. Vampires do not get sick and here I am, feeling like I am about to throw up. I notice Anna's expression, it's thoughtful and knowing for some reason. I shake off her expression and head off to make sure wedding preparations are going well.

The aisle will need to be rolled out, and the chairs set up but the archway and the reception hall are both perfect. The finishing touches are being added as I go upstairs to check on the dresses and the flowers. Elijah caved to Kol's pestering about him performing the ceremony, and then threatened Kol, trying to make sure that he took the position seriously.

Klaus's POV

Caroline and I arrived at the house, to find the nursery set up, Anna must have done it when she was here with Kol and Davina. For the first bit of the drive the twins screamed and cried, and then Caroline got them to go to sleep and they slept pretty much until we turned into the drive way.

Once we got settled in, I sat down in the dining room with Hope who stood on my legs. I bounced her and made faces until I noticed that Caroline was standing in the doorway with our son. "What," I ask. She shakes her head, "Nothing," she says. "Come on, love," I push. "I like watching you with our kids," she admits. I smile, "Even if I am beginning to think we are raising a Daddy's girl and a Momma's boy," she adds, and I laugh.

 I smile, "Even if I am beginning to think we are raising a Daddy's girl and a Momma's boy," she adds, and I laugh

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Caroline and I make dinner and get the twins around and ready for bed after a busy day of driving and playing. After the twins are asleep, Caroline and I watch over them for a little bit before I pull her away. "Come with me," I whisper to her. Caroline leads me out of the nursery and closes the door almost all the way leaving a crack.

I grab both of her hands and lead her outside to the backyard, "Nik, we need to be able to hear the twins," Caroline argues. "One minute," I say. I sigh, "For a thousand years, I saw myself as darkness made out of flesh," I start. "And then I went back to my home town and met this beautiful woman who is full of light, like a star on even the blackest of skies," I continue. Caroline begins to tear up, "Looking into her eyes, I felt lighter and not as repressed my the darkness that surrounded me, and I knew that I had to make sure she stayed in my life," I finish. I pull the velvet ring box out of my pocket and drop to one knee, "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, will you marry me?" I ask her, as I open up the box. Caroline smiles and nods her head, "Yes," she exclaims. I smile and stand up, kissing her. I pull the ring out of the box and take her left hand to slide the ring onto her ring finger. She looks down at it and smiles before I bring her into another kiss.


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Caroline Engagement Ring: $4,450.00


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