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Caroline's POV
After Anna tells me, that I can go home. Klaus walks me to the door. "Did you know?" I ask him. "No, I didn't," Klaus assures me. "You know why, she linked us to Elena, right," he asks. "I don't understand that part," I tell him, honestly. "She couldn't protect us from our parents," he starts. "So she is protecting you guys," I say. "And you, now," he finishes. "Why me, now?" I ask. "When Anna hijacked the spell, she did not know who would be our true mates," he explains. "She did not sleep last night, seeing all the possible futures, and everything about our mates," Klaus begins. "So, she just had to see visions of your family over and over again," I say smiling. He smiles, "Pretty much," he starts. "She saw us, with our mates, and I guess other things but I don't know all the details," Klaus finishes. "Mind if I walk you home?" he asks almost nervous. "No, I don't mind," I reply almost as nervous. 

***At my House***

"Well, this is me," I say. "That it is," Klaus says. "I'm sorry, that was stupid," I say with a laugh. "Don't do that, love," Klaus says. "Do what?" I ask. "Put yourself down," he says simply. "I have  a question about this whole mates thing," I start. "Go ahead," he says nervous. "Well, since we are mates. The name Klaus is one you want people to fear," I say looking away from him. He puts his hand under my chin, making me look into his eyes. "Call me Nik then," he whispers. "Okay, Nik," I whisper.

Nik's POV

Walking into the house, I try to sneak upstairs. "You disappeared," Kol says. "Damn it, Kol," I mutter under my breath. "Come on, Nik, I am just teasing," he says, holding out a glass of bourbon. "Classic Anna move, huh," Kol asks. I nod, "What do you think your true mate will be like," I ask him. He sighs, "A witch, Anna says that she is a witch," he says. "Well, I can certainly picture that," I say. "You know I almost hope they make a move against us, so Anna can show them how little they know about magic," Kol tells me with a laugh. "But I need Elena alive for my hybrids," I argue. He looks at me, confused. "She didn't tell you," he mutters under his breath. "Didn't tell me what," I ask. "She has a vial of the doppelganger's blood," he starts explaining, "The vial is spelled so no matter how much you use, it will fill itself back up," Kol finishes. "She supports my hybrids?" I ask, Kol nods. "She wants us to spread our wings and see the world but be protected at the same time, she is going to let you make hybrids if you make sure that they are our protection detail," Kol explains. "I tried to argue, it did not end well," he finishes. I laugh, "So was she mad about you getting into a fight at her party," I ask Kol. "Oh, yeah. According to her, I am super naturally grounded," he says. "Better you than me," I say. "Oh no, I roped you into it as well, just like when we were humans," Kol says. I glare at him but laugh. "Did it work," I ask him. "Did it work when we human," he asks. "No," I answer. "Exactly," he says. "Where is she?" I ask. "Her study," he says.   

Annalee's POV

"Come in, Nik," I say before he even knocks

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"Come in, Nik," I say before he even knocks. "Sister," he says coming in. "You knew," he says with a smirk. "Of course, I did," I tell him. "Did Kol tell you about this," I say holding up the vial. "He did," Nik says with a nod. I throw it to him and he catches it. "I am concerned," he starts. "About?" I ask. "What happens when they find out that you linked Elena to us," he asks. "Well, only a witch from the Mikaelson bloodline can reverse it, and I can't be compelled," I say. Nik nods, "Well, then. It seems that you have everything under control," he says. "I do," I say. "You did not kiss her, tonight," I say. "No," he admits. "But, I am trying," he defends. "Kol, come in," I say looking at the door. It opens and Kol comes in. "You two have a visitor," he says and Caroline comes in.

"Caroline, good to see you," I say

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"Caroline, good to see you," I say. "Caroline," Nik whispers. "I've decided," she says. "I know," I say. "Kol, I think that we should give them the room," I say. He nods, "You two need to talk, if things go well," I start. Kol smirks, "Nik, your room is spelled," I finish. Kol starts laughing at Nik's face and Caroline hides her face in her hands. I smirk, "See you tomorrow," I say and leave with Kol. "That darling sister was cruel," Kol says, closing the door. I shrug, "Maybe."

Nik's POV

I hang my head when Anna and Kol leave. "Usually, that kind of thing can be expected by Kol," I mutter. Caroline laughs, "Are you laughing at me, right now," I ask. "I've never thought about the fact that you would be embarrassed," she says through her laughs. "No, I guess you haven't," I say and sigh. "I can't decide what's worse her hinting at something and then everyone knowing whether it works, or the incident in the 10th century," I say. "What happened," Caroline asks. "Well," I say. "What have you decided," I try to switch topics. "Okay, I will tell you but we are coming back to this," she agrees, pointing at me. "I've decided that I want to get to know you better, and maybe get to know your family better as well," she says, timidly. "Well, then love. I guess you could get to know my family," I say trying to tease her. She laughs, "Now back to the thing in the 10th century," she says, changing the subject again. "Come on, I'll tell you on the way home," I tell Caroline and lead her out of the study. 

"Okay, we're headed home," Caroline pushes. I laugh lightly, "It was when Elijah was first intrigued by Tatia, their relationship started very quickly," I start. "Anna was looking for Elijah because he promised to help Henrik with something," I say looking down. Caroline starts laughing, "I feel bad for her now," Caroline mutters. "You don't even know what happened," I say laughing. "From your vague clues I can guess," she says giggling. "She was not the only one who caught them," I say vaguely. "O.M.G." Caroline exclaims. "Can I ask who?" she asks. "Let's just say that Elijah scarred Henrik very early on," I mutter. "Oh no," Caroline mumbles. "Don't ask Elijah about it, he hates that he had to find out that way," I tell her quickly. She nods, and we stop in front of her house for the second time tonight. I turn to leave, "Hey," I hear her whisper. I turn to look at her and she kisses me. I kiss back, and we pull away after a moment. "I'll see you tomorrow Caroline," I whisper. "Goodbye, Nik," she whispers back and I leave. 


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