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Kol's POV

When I came downstairs after the ball last night, Nik was already down there drawing again. I rolled my eyes,  "How was last night?" I ask. "Shut up, Kol,"  Nik dismissed. "Okay, I'll ask Anna," I continue teasing. "Don't you dare," Nik growled looking up at me. "I'm bored, and as my older brother," I start. "Wait for Rebekah to come home, she has not come home yet," Nik interrupts.  I look at him, "You're being serious, Bekah has not come home," I clarify. "Nope, she left when I took Caroline home," Nik tells me. "Which time you took Caroline home?" I ask. He glares at me, "The first time," he says. "If you are going to tease Bekah, make sure she does not go and complain to Anna," Nik warns. "Right because Rebekah would try and get both of us in trouble," I say, and Nik nods. 

Waiting for Rebekah to come is so boring, I open my mouth to complain again. "Don't start Kol," Finn says walking past the room. Nik smirks, knowing he won the would-be argument. The front door opens and I grin at Nik. He smirks, "Don't tease her, Kol," Finn warns. "Nik said I could," I tell my oldest brother. Finn looks at Nik and I smirk, "You told him he could tease Rebekah knowing that Anna is here, and will always take her side,"  Finn asks Nik. "Well, it was him annoy me or him wait to tease Rebekah," Nik defends. Finn nods, like he agrees with Nik's reasoning, and Rebekah enters the room. "Well, well, well, there's our girl," I say standing up and moving in her way. "Get out of my way, Kol," Rebekah says exasperated. "Out all night what a scandal, I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt was it?" I tease her. "If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth," Rebekah threatens. 

Finn and Nik both smirk, "Don't start you two," she says to them

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Finn and Nik both smirk, "Don't start you two," she says to them. "Our baby sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun," I start sitting down earning another glare from Rebekah. "I'm bored, I need entertainment," I finish looking at Nik. "Well, go on have it," he dismisses. "It's no fun to go alone. Join me Nik, its the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart," I add guilt tripping him. "Go along, Nik," Anna says walking into the room. "Kol that excuse won't always work," she adds looking at me. "Fine, I did not have nearly enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date," Nik says getting up. "And finding out that you are mated to that lovely blonde," I add teasing him, he glares at me. "What was her name again," I ask. He leaves the room, "Yes please go, this house has enough men rolling around in it," Rebekah says at our backs as we leave. "Just like you, Bekah," I say back pointing in her direction. She throws her shoe at me and I dodge it, "Good riddance both of you," she says growling. 


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