Dating Life in NYC

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Elijah's POV

It's been a few days since Finn and Sage left for France, I have been quietly planning a trip for Katerina and myself to New York City. Anna walks into my study and laughs lightly. "Yes, sister?" I ask. "Do you have a death wish little brother?" she asks. I smile, "No, but if you would keep this in between us that would be greatly appreciated. Kol and Niklaus walk and I roll my eyes, "Keep what between us exactly," Kol says sitting down. "Nothing Kol," I say shortly. Anna snorts and gives me a look as Niklaus goes to investigate. After a minute, Niklaus laughs quietly, "You are planning a trip with Katerina and you have not told Rebekah," he asks me. Kol starts laughing as I sigh. "Don't tell her," I mutter. Kol looks at me, "I either keep this from her, or I tell her about your thousand year old secret," he challenges. I sigh, "Fine," I mutter knowing I can't win. "BEKAH," Kol shouts obnoxiously. Niklaus and I roll our eyes. "What do you want Kol," Bekah asks walking into the study. "Elijah here is planning a little trip for himself and the darling doppelganger," Kol tells her and she turns and glares at me. "You are planning a date without my help, Elijah you don't want to bore the poor girl," Rebekah argues. Kol and Niklaus smirk, and Anna's lips turn up into a smile. "Rebekah the whole trip is planned," I argue. "Oh, I know, you have reservations at the Ritz," Rebekah says. "We were both planning the same trip?" I ask. "No, I was planning a better one," Rebekah says turning and leaving the study. Niklaus and Kol smirk, "You two also have a death wish," Anna says. I look between the two of them and then at Anna. They both sigh and nod, "It's not going to stop us," Kol says. Anna shakes her head, and sighs. "Tell her soon," Anna says leaving the room. Kol and Niklaus smirk and leave as well. 

A while later, Katerina and Anna walk back into my study. "We need to have a conversation," Anna says. I nod, pouring Katerina and myself drinks. "Now, this is about completing the bond that is between the two of you," Anna starts.  "When you are intimate with each other, the bond will solidify and Katerina will become stronger and you will be bonded," Anna says. After a moment, "You saw a vision of this didn't you," I ask. She sighs and nods. Katerina and I snort, "All of your siblings," Katerina asks. Anna shakes her head, "Not Kol." 

Katerina and I leave Mystic Falls, "Where are we going Elijah," she asks me

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Katerina and I leave Mystic Falls, "Where are we going Elijah," she asks me. "You'll see," I say cryptically. "I can't get a hint," she says. I smirk and shake my head. "Elijah, please," she pleads. I sigh, "Fine, we are going on a trip," I say. She groans and I smile looking back at the road, and in the rearview mirror I notice we are being followed. I turn to look at Katerina, "Don't panic, but we are being followed," I say. "What do you mean?" she asks as the phone rings. Katerina anwsers, "Yes, Klaus," she mutters. "Anna made me send a hybrid after you as a protection detail and when I refused and said that you can protect yourself," Niklaus starts. Katerina and I sigh, "So, what Nik is saying is that if you are being followed it's a hybrid," Kol butts in. "Thanks for the warning, Anna does know that we are vampires correct," I ask sarcastically. "You have met our sister before, correct," Niklaus and Kol say at the same time before hanging up.   


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