The Spell and The Secret

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Annalee's POV

"Finn I need the doppelganger in my office," I tell him. He nods and walks away, I head to my study. "Sister," Finn says after a little while of me waiting. "Come in," I say and he opens  the door and pushes Elena in. She looks at me and then the smoke, "It's sage for a privacy spell. So I don't get any unwanted eavesdroppers," I say. "I am going to bind you to my siblings, using your blood as a protection spell," I tell Elena. Her eyes widen, "I won't let you," she says. 

"I don't remember giving you a choice," I retort

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"I don't remember giving you a choice," I retort. "Finn," I say and he smiles. Elena is pushed closer to me and I slice her palm onto six pieces of paper one for each of my siblings and a little bit of their blood and their name. Elena bleeds onto her name on each piece of paper and then into a vial that I pulled out of my desk. With a wave of my hand, I heal the cut on her hand and make the vervain useless. I nod towards Finn. You will not remember meeting Anna. If one of your bodyguards ask you had to go to the bathroom, Finn compels her. Elena leaves the room in a daze and I finish the spell, as soon as the doors are closed. "What is the vial for?" Finn asks. "Nik's hybrids, they are going to be the extra protection detail on our family," I tell him. "Let's rejoin the party," I say as each paper burns, proving the connection. 

After forcefully binding Elena to my siblings, so that no one would be able to take action against us without her dying along with. I rejoin the ball. "Caroline, where is my brother? I need to talk to the two of you," I say coming up to the blonde. "Umm, I don't know," she says sheepishly. "Well if you find him, can you meet me in my office, he knows where it is," I say and she nods.

Niklaus's POV

"Klaus," Caroline says from behind me. "Anna says she wants to talk to us in her office," she says. I nod and lead the way. I lead Caroline to Anna's study, and knock on the door, "Come in, Nik," Anna says. I open the door and hold it open for Caroline. "Okay, what did you want to talk to us about," I ask. "Nik do you remember what I told you when you first came to me about Tatia?" Anna asks. I nod, "Of course. You said that I would look better with a blon..." I trail off, looking at Anna who has an eyebrow raised and Caroline who looks confused. "Bloody hell," I mutter. "Now do you understand," Anna asks and I nod my head. "Okay, can I have an explanation," Caroline asks completely confused. "Nik told you that Esther cursed me in a coffin, and channeled my magic to make my siblings vampires," Anna begins. "What he did not know was that I hijacked the spell and created true mates for each of my siblings," Anna says, glancing at me. "Finn of course met his and changed her. Elijah has his, by the way Nik, I have pardoned Katarina," she says. I look at her, "You're kidding," I say. "No, I'm not. Anyway, you are Nik's true soulmate, Caroline," Anna says. "What exactly does that mean," Caroline asks. "Well that means that as the feeling between the two of you gets stronger, you will get stronger and start to have new abilities," Anna says. "New abilities," I ask. "Yes Nik, would you like to see," Anna asks. I look to Caroline, and she shrugs and nods. "Okay," Anna says and with a wave of her hand we are transported into a vision. 

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