Ancestors Wrath

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Third Person POV

The witches of New Orleans thought they beat the Mikaelsons, they thought they outsmarted them. Little did they know that as the witches, they were not even competing on the same level as Annalee. The ancestors were angry that their witches were tricked. The ancestors paid attention, and they expected to be able to punish Davina when the festival was completed. But nothing happened, and the ancestors were angry. Their wrath was coming down in New Orleans. 

Elijah's POV

The compound has been quieter since Kol left with Davina and our older sister. Annalee warned us that there may be repercussions when messing with the ancestors. We are simply waiting for the moment that the ancestors decide to fight back. We need to prepare for what comes next. But how do we prepare for something, when we don't know what's coming. 

Rebekah has not answered any of her texts or calls in the past couple of hours

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Rebekah has not answered any of her texts or calls in the past couple of hours. I have a bad feeling that whatever is holding Rebekah up has to do with the ancestors. Niklaus, Finn and I are working on our plan when a vampire comes into the room and tells us that we have a problem. The three of us walk downstairs to the courtyard, and two vampires with a mark on their forehead. "Well, I guess we know what the ancestors retribution is," Niklaus mutters. "This is impossible, Niklaus you killed him," I say. "Maybe it's not," Finn says. Niklaus and I turn to him, "What do you mean," I ask. "The ancestors want retribution," Finn says. "And I killed him so he will want retribution as well," Niklaus adds. Finn nods. While we are cleaning up these vampires when Zachary calls. "We have a slight problem," he says. "Rebekah's in trouble," he says. I hang up and Niklaus nods to me, "You get Bekah safe, Finn and I will find Papa Tunde," he says. I nod and leave, as Finn and Niklaus leave as well.

Zachary's POV

Rebekah is in some boundary spell, I don't know how to break it. So I called her brothers, and hope that Klaus is not coming to help her. Elijah shows up and runs into the boundary. "Do you know how to break it," Elijah asks me. "No, but I know someone who does," I say. "Who," Elijah asks. "Your older sister," I say. He sighs, and pulls his phone out to call her. 

Annalee's POV

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Annalee's POV

My phone starts ringing in the middle of our witch lessons. I answer the phone. "Sister,"  he says. "What's wrong, Elijah," I say.  "We have a situation with a boundary spell, and I don't know how to break it," Elijah explains. "Is Zachary there," I ask. "Yes," Elijah replies. "You need him to bleed on to the salt," I say. "Not only because he is part witch but also because he is her true mate," I explain. "Alright," Elijah says. There is some silence, and then I hear Elijah say, "It worked." I roll my eyes, "Get her out of there, and go back to the compound," I say. Elijah hangs up. 

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