What do you Mean Freya is Still Alive??

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Annalee's POV


Freya asking to try her plan first.

Freya's plan making Mikael and Niklaus work together. 

Me telling Nik that Mikael was an unpredictable player in the game and he could not be trusted.

Freya's plan failing, and being angry with Nik.

Resorting to my plan to defeat Dahlia.

Freya trying to tear my siblings bonds apart. 

Dahlia bringing Esther back from the dead, again. 

Dahlia finding the white oak dust from the daggers and trying to use that to kill my siblings. 

Kol pretending that the dust was snow and sticking his tongue out to catch it. 

A large black wolf coming to stand by Niklaus and Caroline to defend their children.

Using my magic to kill Esther and Dahlia.


After telling Waylon that I had a vision of my older sister, I decided to talk to Finn. The two of us knew Freya when we were younger, he is the only one that would remember her. "Finn," I say from the balcony overlooking the courtyard and he turns. Kol pouts that he is not getting talked to and then Davina kisses his cheek and he smiles. 

Finn comes upstairs, "What is it," he asks. "We need to talk," I whisper. We enter my study and I put a spell on the room, so Kol does not get any ideas. "I have had a vision," I say. He looks at me, "Of what," Finn asks. "Freya," I whisper. "How," Finn asks. "I don't know the specifics but she is alive and coming to New Orleans," I tell him. "And Dahlia," Finn asks. "She will be here but Freya is working against her," I tell him. "What happened in the vision," Finn asks. "Freya forced our hands and made Nik work with Mikael," I tell him sitting down. He winces at the notion, "Mikael is an unpredictable player in this game, please tell me that Nik kills him," Finn says. I smile and nod, "We need to tell them," I say to Finn. Finn nods, accepting my plan. 

Kol's POV

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Kol's POV

Nik and Caroline come downstairs with the twins after Finn heads upstairs to talk to Anna, "I have a question," I ask. They both look at me, "Do you two have sex with the twins in the nursery that is connected to your room," I ask. "Kol," Nik growls. "I'm going to take that as a yes," I say cheekily. "Where's Anna," Caroline says. "Talking to Finn in her study," I reply. Nik tilts his head trying to listen in and I shake my head, "Don't bother," I say, and Nik gives me a look. "I already tried that and she put a spell on the room," I say, he groans. As Nik situates William, Caroline goes and gets breakfast for the two of them having already situated Hope. I make a face and Hope and she giggles and claps her hands. "I think I am Hope's favorite Uncle," I say to Nik and he rolls his eyes. "Why, because she claps when you make a fool of yourself," Sage asks teasingly. I roll my eyes at her as Nik and Caroline laugh and begin feeding the twins breakfast. 

"Could you be any louder," Rebekah growls coming down the stairs

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"Could you be any louder," Rebekah growls coming down the stairs. Nik and I exchange a look, "Bekah, we were not being loud," Nik says. She glares at him, "Shut up," she snaps. "Are you okay," I ask. "Are you hard of hearing, Kol, I told you to shut up," Bekah snaps. "Rebekah," Anna says from the balcony. We turn to her, "Calm down," she says. Bekah sits down and pouts, I raise my eyebrows at Nik and he shrugs. "Where is Elijah," Finn asks. Nik and I shrug, "Kol, call him, we need to talk," Anna says, before heading back into her study as Finn comes down the stairs and sits next to Sage. "All right fess up, what was that about," I say. "She'll tell you when Elijah gets here," Finn says and I lean back in my seat upset that he won't tell me. 

Elijah's POV

After waking up, I check my phone and see that all of my siblings have tried contacting me.

Ten missed calls from Kol and 23 text messages.

Six missed calls from Niklaus.

Four missed calls from Finn. 

A text message from Rebekah. 

 I go out to the balcony to see all my siblings bar Anna sitting in the courtyard. "What is the meaning of this," I ask holding up my phone.  "Anna wants to talk to us and she told me to call you," Kol says. "And when you did not answer we all decided to make an effort," Niklaus adds. "I was upstairs," I growl. "And Anna said to call you, not go look for you," Kol says cheekily. 

Anna comes out of her study, "All right, I need to talk to all of you," she says

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Anna comes out of her study, "All right, I need to talk to all of you," she says. Each of my siblings heads upstairs and I head to her study coming around the balcony. When we get in her study, Kol and Rebekah sit on the couch bickering and Niklaus sits on a chair. Anna sits behind her desk while Finn and I stand, Finn by the end of the couch giving Kol and Bekah a look, while I stand behind Niklaus. 

Anna sighs, "Did you know that our mother had an older sister," Anna asks. I raise my eyebrows, "No," I reply. "Well, her older sister's name is Dahlia and she is alive and headed here," Anna says. "How," Niklaus asks. "I do not know how she is alive," Anna says. "But I have had a vision, Freya is coming to New Orleans and is going to ask us for our help in destroying Dahlia," Anna says. "Why should we help her," Niklaus and Kol ask. "Because Dahlia is coming after Hope," Anna says. Niklaus turns pale and nods, "Then we must help," I say placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I have a question," Kol says. We turn to him, "What is wrong with Rebekah," he asks. Anna looks at Rebekah, and then at Nik. "The bond between Nik and Caroline gave them the ability to have children," Anna starts. "Given the fact that Zachary is a werewitch, it also gave Rebekah the ability to have children," Anna says. Rebekah's eyes widen, "She's pregnant," Anna says. 


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