Stand Together, Always and Forever

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Third Person POV

"All right, the twins are asleep," Caroline says coming down the stairs. Niklaus and Kol were setting up several knives in preparation. "Alright, love," Nik says. "I thought your sister was doing a spell," Caroline asks. Kol looks at her, "Anna is," he says. "What's with the knives," she asks. Kol and Nik look at each other, "Fun," they say at the same time, Caroline rolls her eyes. "Alright, let's get this show on the road," Anna says. "But we need to know where Dahlia is," Kol says. "She's in the warehouse district," Anna says. "And how exactly do you know this," Niklaus asks his older sister. "It's called kenning," she says, before walking out of the room with Caroline. Niklaus and Kol exchange a look, "Well," Nik starts. "We are not exactly surprised," Kol adds. "Caroline, do you mind if Waylon watches over the twins while we fight Dahlia," Anna asks. "No, I mean it might be good practice for him," Caroline teases. "What are you insinuating," Anna asks. "Just that you are both witches," Caroline says.

Esther and Dahlia were preparing to kill Esther's children, in the middle of preparation a large black wolf appears in the doorway. Nik and Caroline are on one side of the wolf and on the other side is Elijah and Katherine with Finn and Sage. "Bringing vampires to a witch fight, Niklaus," Esther taunts standing up. "Not exactly," Kol says appearing with Davina. "Interesting choice of venue," Enzo says as he joins the Mikaelons with Davina. "Almost as if it was chosen for you," Annalee says. "In your drive to try and steal my niece you forgot to protect yourself from the most Kenning," Anna says. Dahlia's eyes widen in shock.

"But you cannot defeat me if you don't have back up," Dahlia says. She throws dust up in the air and does a spell, and it falls down. "White Oak," Anna asks with an eyebrow raised. Dahlia smirks, "Pity that this will only affect your siblings," Dahlia says. "Pity that you did not hear about the protection spell," Annalee says. "What protection spell," Dahlia asks. "The one that makes white oak ineffective," Annalee says. Dahlia looks to Esther shocked, "Nik," Kol says, watching the dust fall. "It looks like snow," Kol says, holding out his tongue. Finn and Elijah look at him, and then at Esther. "Did you drop him," they ask at the same time. Nik and Caroline laugh, "Alright," Anna says and all of her siblings stop talking. "Let's get this over with," Anna says.

"Phasmatos Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te

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"Phasmatos Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Victamas Veras. Phasmatos Tribum, Niha Sue Exilum, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Levam, Mina Sue Te, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Phasmatos Veras. Fes Matos Tribum, Mas Pro Tes Unum. Victas Ex Melam, Phasmatos Vanem. Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te," Anna chants. Esther and Dahlia drop in pain, as the spell continues. As Anna finishes the spell, Niklaus and Caroline are both armed with a knife, "And you thought you could just come into our town, and take our daughter," Caroline says. "She has an entire family that is much too overprotective," Niklaus adds. "Those will not work on me," Dahlia says. "These are spelled by Anna," Nik says stabbing her. "So technically they will," Caroline says as Dahlia stops breathing.

Annalee's POV

After killing Dahlia and Esther, the entire family is enjoying a peaceful dinner. Rebekah and Zachary did not make it all the way to Arkansas. They made it out of town and are coming back for our celebration. I am standing on the balcony, watching as my siblings play with their niece and nephew. Nik is sitting at the head of the table with Caroline on his lap. William is being doted on by Elijah and Katherine while Hope is being held by Sage and being entertained by Davina's magic. After a thousand years, my siblings have found peace. Waylon comes up to me, "What are you thinking about," he asks. "My siblings have been through many hardships, but New Orleans is where they have always felt safe," I tell him. "And happy," I add. "And now," he asks. "Well look at them," I say. Waylon and I watch as, Hope giggles at Davina giving her a flower while William laughs at Kol's facial expressions. Waylon smiles and moves my face to see him. He leans his forehead against mine. "Let's go somewhere, just the two of us," he says. "Let's," I say. "My siblings are all safe," I say. "Let's go," I say.

"Rebekah," Finn caps seeing our younger sister walk through the doors

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"Rebekah," Finn caps seeing our younger sister walk through the doors. She smiles, and his each of our brothers and then Freya before taking William from Elijah. I join my siblings downstairs, "In celebration," I start. "We may not be able to choose our families but we can always count on them," I add. "Always and Forever," Nik says. Each of my siblings and their mate repeat the sentiment and then we begin eating.

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