Zachary Peters

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Rebekah's POV

Anna told me that my soulmate would be here soon. If I am worried about anything it would be Nik's reaction to my soulmate. "Bekah," Anna says. I turn to her standing in the doorway of her study, "You been pacing for a half hour," she says pointedly. "I know," I say before sighing, "Is it wrong for me to be nervous," I ask as she gestures for me to enter her study. "With the way, Nik has reacted to your boyfriends in the past, perhaps," Anna says. "But you needn't worry, Nik cares for your happiness and once he sees that you are happy with him, he will leave you be," she reassures me.  "Who the bloody hell are you," Nik shouts. "Well it seems that he is here," Anna says. 

Anna and I walk to the top of the stairs and my first impression is that he is handsome

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Anna and I walk to the top of the stairs and my first impression is that he is handsome. He smirks and I know he will be a troublemaker, he reminds me a little of Kol. "Hello, Zachary," Anna greets. Nik turns to us and looks at Anna with a look of disbelief, "Unbelievable," he mutters. She ignores him, "Zachary meet Rebekah," she continues. "Hello, Rebekah," he says. I smile, "Hello, Zachary," I say. "Come," Anna says turning back towards her study to talk to us, by the look on Nik's face I can tell he is about to object. "Absolutely not," he argues. "Ignore my little brother," Anna says. I wait at the top of the stairs as he climbs the stairs. Before turning to follow Anna, I turn and glare at Nik.  

We enter Anna's study and she gestures for us to sit, "Zachary, you are probably wondering why I called you here," she says. "Yeah, I am, being called to the Mikaelson Mansion in Mystic Falls calls for some concern," he says. Anna laughs, "Don't let Niklaus scare you, he just worries for his baby sister," Anna explains Nik's reaction to Zachary. He nods, "Why am I here," he asks and I turn to Anna for her to explain. "A thousand years ago, vampires were created using my magic," Anna says. "I was locked in a coffin by our parents," she explains. "When I woke I told my siblings that I hijacked the spell that our mother did to change my siblings into vampires," she continues. "When I hijacked the spell I created 'True Mates' making sure that there was one person in the history of the world that would balance each of my siblings out," Anna finishes. "So am I Rebekah's true mate?" Zachary asks Anna. "Yes, you are," Anna says with a smile. "Now when I told your brothers about their connection I showed them a vision," Anna starts. "I also have seen a vision of your future," she says. "Would you like to see the vision of our future?" Zachary asks me. I nod.



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