Meeting Freya

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Kol's POV

After Anna's revelation about Bekah, we each hug her and congratulate her. She has wanted this for a thousand years, her dream is coming true. Anna gets a text from Bonnie saying that there is a suspicious witch in the city of the dead. Nik and I decide to go with Anna to investigate. 

"Can you imagine a little Rebekah running around," I ask Nik. He smirks and shakes his head, "I don't want to think about that," he says. "Bonnie," Anna calls. Bonnie and Enzo come out of one of the tombs. "Anna," Bonnie says. "You texted me," Anna says. Bonnie nods, the witches are telling me that a blonde woman claiming that she is a Mikaelson is walking around," Bonnie tells us. "I figured that I would let you guys handle it," Bonnie says. Anna nods to us, "Thank you, Bonnie," she says, holding the girl's hand. "Now, can you meet us at the compound, I think that the two of you will want to be involved," Anna says. Bonnie smiles and nods, "I'll be there," she says.

Nik and I leave Anna and Bonnie in search of this blonde, we turn the corner and there she is standing almost as if she was expecting us.  "Hello, Kol," she says. "1914," I whisper. Nik turns to me, "What," he asks. "She was my date to the 1914 Christmas party," I explain and he winces, remembering how that night ended for me.

 "She was my date to the 1914 Christmas party," I explain and he winces, remembering how that night ended for me

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"So, I'm guessing that you are Freya," Nik says turning to the blonde. "Who told you," she says. "I did," Anna says from behind us. Nik and I turn to her and she walks forward. "Freya," she says. "I think we need to have a conversation at the compound," Anna says. Freya nods accepting the lightly veiled demand, and we head back to the compound.

Third Person POV

Finn and Sage set up a meal for the family meeting with Freya, "Are you worried," Sage asks. Finn looks at her, "What do I have to be worried about," Finn asks. "Seeing Freya again," Sage says. Finn sighs, "To be honest, I am having mixed emotions about it," Finn says. "Tell me," Sage asks. "Of course, I am pleased that I did not lose her completely," Finn starts. "But," Sage adds. "But, if she tries to ruin the peace between my younger siblings, I will choose them," Finn says, thinking about Freya bringing Mikael in the mix. 

Anna, Freya, Niklaus and Kol arrive with Bonnie and Enzo, they come into the dining room and sit down

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Anna, Freya, Niklaus and Kol arrive with Bonnie and Enzo, they come into the dining room and sit down. Rebekah looks between Freya and Kol, realizing that she also recognized the woman in front of them. Kol gives her a slight nod, noticing her expression. "Freya, you are trying to separate yourself from Dahlia, I assume you have a plan," Anna says, knowing the truth. Freya nods, "But first you have to know the whole story," Freya says. "Esther was barren and asked Dahlia for help conceiving," Freya says. "In exchange, Esther had to give up the first born Mikaelson of each generation," Freya says. "You and now Hope," Caroline says, as she reaches for Nik's hand and squeezes it. Freya nods, "Dahlia was angry with Esther when she made you vampires, ending her line," Freya says. "Making you unable to have children," Freya adds tearing up. Elijah and Kol look at Niklaus and Caroline before looking at Rebekah. "So she charged me with the task of having a child, and I vowed never to love," Freya says. Rebekah tears up, hating the idea of never finding love. "Dahlia performed a spell, one that made us impervious to harm," Freya says, peaking Nik's interest. "We are cursed with only being able to live for one year during each century," Freya says. "There is only one thing that can kill her," Freya says. 

"What can kill Dahlia," Nik asks

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"What can kill Dahlia," Nik asks. "The only thing that can kill Dahlia, has not been found, and believe me Dahlia has been looking," Freya says. "What do you mean," Elijah asks. "The person that can kill her, is the witch whose magic made you vampires," Freya says. Each Mikaelson and their mate turns to Anna, who brings her fingers to her lips, thinking. "I may have a way around that though," Freya says, not noticing the importance of the looks that Anna is getting. Kol turns back towards her, "And that plan would include," Kol asks pointedly. "A knife that can weaken because it is bound with the dirt of her home land, the ashes of her Viking oppressors and the blood of the witch who she loved and then betrayed her, me," Freya explains. Anna laughs, "You think very highly of yourself," she says, when Freya looks at her. "What do you mean," Freya asks. "I mean you are not the witch that she loved and then was betrayed by," Anna explains. "Then who do you think it is," Freya growls, angry that Anna was second guessing her. "I believe that the title you are talking about falls on our mother," Anna says. Kol and Nik roll their eyes, "Of course it does," Elijah says. 

"We can try it your way though," Anna offers

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"We can try it your way though," Anna offers. Freya nods, "Wonderful, I have sent Father to procure the other ingredients," Freya says. Nik snaps, "I will not work with him," he growls, standing up. "Anna said that we could try my plan first," Freya argues also standing. Nik and Freya both turn to Anna who is leaning back in her seat. "I did say that we would try your plan first," Anna starts. "But if your plan fails, we do my plan," Anna says. Freya nods, "My whole plan," Anna adds. Freya nods accepting the plan without knowing it. "Nik, I need to speak with you," Anna says standing. She gives Finn a look, he nods and decides to escort Freya out. 

After escorting Freya out, he tells the rest of the siblings to join Anna and Nik upstairs. "Anna, I will not work with him," Nik argues. "I know," Anna says. "Then why agree to her plan," Nik asks. "Because she agreed with mine, and the beginning of my plan results in you killing Mikael again," Anna says. Nik looks at her shocked, "Oh," he says. Anna nods. "As I told Finn, Mikael is an unpredictable player and we cannot trust him," Anna says. "The only thing we can do is eliminate him," Anna says. The Mikaelsons nod, "We must stand by each other, Always and Forever," Anna says. Each Mikaelson repeats the sentiment and she nods. 


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