Parents times Three

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Third Person POV

Nik is sitting at Elijah's side trying to get in his head. Caroline came in with William. "Nik, stop," she says as she notices the blood trickling from his nose. "Esther locked me out," he says taking a breath. Rebekah then came in with Hope, "Use Katherine's head as a back door," Rebekah says coming around the bed. She then checks on Elijah, and she notices a rash on his shoulder. "Nik," she says, and he comes around the bed. "What, Bekah," he asks. "The merlock flower must be in the bayou," Rebekah says. "Anna," Nik calls. "Yes, Nik," Anna asks. "Look at this," Nik and Bekah say at the same time. "Alright, Nik and Kol, I need you to go to the bayou and find the antidote," Anna says.

Kol's POV

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Kol's POV

Davina and I are still in bed after last night, when someone knocks on the door. I groan, and get up, "What is it, Nik," I say after opening the door. "Anna needs us to go out into the bayou and find the merlock flower," Nik tells me. "You're kidding, Esther is back to using that," I ask. "Apparently, come on," Nik says. I head back to the bedroom, "Darling, I have to go," I tell Davina. "Where," she asks. "My sister found out how to get Elijah back," I say. "Okay," she says. "I'll see you, tonight," she asks. I nod.

Nik and I use our vampire speed to get to the bayou,"Why did she send me with you," I ask Nik

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Nik and I use our vampire speed to get to the bayou,"Why did she send me with you," I ask Nik. "Esther did not just bring Mikael back from the dead," Nik says. "She also brought Ansel," Nik says. "Bloody hell," I whisper. After a few more minutes of walking, I realize that we are being followed. "Go away," Nik growls. "Nik," I warn. "Keep moving, Kol," Nik growls back. We continue walking but Ansel continues to follow us, "Perhaps you should talk to him," I say to Nik. "No," Nik denies. "Fine," I say. I turn slightly around and make eye contact with Ansel, I shrug apologetically, and he nods.

Ansel's POV

Niklaus is refusing to talk to me despite his brother's request. "You are looking for the merlock flower," I say. Both of them turn to me, "I would suggest going east," I say. "How do you know what we are looking for," Niklaus asks. "I saw you leave with your brother, and Esther requested it of me in the tenth century," I tell them. They exchange a look, and then use their speed to head east, I follow them. They stop at a field, "Vervain," the younger male says. "Our insane mother has set a trap," Niklaus says. "Hate to break it to you, mate," the other male says. Niklaus looks at him, "Not just our mother," he says. "I can retrieve the flower for you," I offer. Niklaus growls as the other male shrugs.

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