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Anna's POV

Days after the girls and Nik were attacked in the bayou, I decided it was time for Caroline to be unlinked from Sophie. I called Sophie to come to the house. When she arrives, I ask her to stay with my siblings and tell them about the Harvest ritual. As she is telling them about the ritual I go to Davina. My brothers know that they have to keep Sophie in the house, "Hello, petit oiseau," I say walking into her room at the church. "Anna," she exclaims excitedly. "I was wondering if you wanted me to teach you some spells," I ask. She smiles and nods. 

I hand her a sanguine knot, "Do you know what this is called," I ask

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I hand her a sanguine knot, "Do you know what this is called," I ask. "It's called a sanguine knot," she tells me. I nod, "It breaks a link between two people," I add. "Your brother's pregnant mate and the witch," Davina asks. I nod, "After we do this spell, I will teach you some fun spells," I say with a smile. Davina giggles and nods, taking the knot from my hand. "I have a question," she asks. I turn to her, "I can feel your magic, so why didn't you unlink them yourself," she asks. "If I unlinked them, how would you learn how to do it," I ask. She smiles, "Phasmatos omnio ligor coldate sangorium... Phasmatos omnio ligata soluto... Phasmatos omnio ligata soluto vingulia cordit. That is the incantation," I say. "Phasmatos omnio ligor coldate sangorium... Phasmatos omnio ligata soluto... Phasmatos omnio ligata soluto vingulia cordit,"  Davina chants and the knot begins to untie. After it finishes untying she smiles realizing that she did it. 

Nik's POV

Anna left the house to go speak with the young witch. She left Sophie here. Sophie started telling us about the Harvest Ritual and then the girls decided to start planning Finn's wedding. All of a sudden Sophie stands. "She is breaking the link," Sophie mutters. I raise my eyebrows, she takes a pin from her pocket and pricks her finger. I race out of the room and take Caroline's hand, "What?" Caroline asks. "You're unlinked from Sophie," I whisper. I turn to the other room, Rebekah and Katherine follow me. Sophie looks terrified, Rebekah gets a text. "Nik," she whispers. I nod discreetly, letting her know I'm listening. "Anna wants to talk to her," she says. I nod. 

Davina's POV

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Davina's POV

 "You said that you would teach me fun spells now," I say. Anna laughs, "I have a question," she says. I look to her, "If Marcel was coming to check on you and you were asleep would he bother you," I ask looking around. I shake my head, Anna hums in agreement. "So if this room was spelled to look as if you were sleeping but you were not actually here, do you think he would know," Anna asks. My eyes widen, "What do you mean," she asks. "It's called an illusion spell," Anna tells me. "So if we put a spell on this room that makes it look like I'm asleep but in reality. I am really hanging out with your family and Kol," I say trailing off. "Marcel would not even realize," Anna finishes. I smile, "So what is the exact incantation of this illusion spell," I ask. Anna laughs again, "You and Kol are a lot alike," she whispers. "Come with me," she says. I nod and follow her out of the room. She throws a line of salt down on the ground, and grabs my hands. "Repeat after me, okay," Anna says. I nod and she starts chanting, "Phantamogriphia Decorum," Anna says. I join her in chanting, "Phantamogriphia decorum, phantamogriphia decorum, phantamogriphia decorum," we both chant. When we are done I turn towards my room, and there I am an illusion of myself sleeping. I smile and Anna reaches out to grab my hands, "Now a cloaking spell," she says. "Invisque," she whispers. 

Rebekah's POV

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Rebekah's POV

I have decided to totally ignore the witch's presence in the other room. "Bekah, you do realize that it is my wedding right," Finn says walking over to the table. "It is never the groom's wedding, it is for the bride," I argue. Caroline and Katherine nod backing me up, Finn looks at me shocked, "What," I ask. "Rebekah, you should let him choose something," Anna says from behind Finn. I sigh, "Fine Finn you can choose a time for the ceremony," I relent. "How about the late afternoon around 4 p.m," Finn says. Katherine shakes her head, "We are all wearing navy blue and the accent color is silver," she says. I nod, "Four won't work," I argue. "How does nine sound," I ask. Finn's mouth drops open, "Now, Finn, how did you expect that conversation to go," Kol asks entering the room. 

Sophie enters the room, "Sophie we are letting you live for now because I may need your help later," Anna says dismissing her

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Sophie enters the room, "Sophie we are letting you live for now because I may need your help later," Anna says dismissing her. Sophie leaves and Anna waves her hand and a young girl appears. "Davina," Kol says. Davina smiles, "Hi," she says nervously. "You are a nervous little bird, aren't you," I say. "Bekah," Anna says sitting down at the table. "She just entered a house full of Original vampires under a cloaking spell," Anna warns.  She sighs, "Come along, Davina. We are planning Finn's wedding," I tell her. She giggles and sits down in the open chair. I smirk at Kol knowing that I won over his soulmate as well.

Elijah's POV

Kol walks back into the room, I give him a look. "Did you really think that she would choose you over the girls," I ask. "I hoped," Kol growls. Niklaus and I smirk. 


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