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Caroline's POV

I woke up because Nik was up and I could tell something was wrong. "Are you okay," I ask. He sighs, "Fine," he says. "I can tell you are not," I whisper. He lays back down and I lay my head on his chest, "I saw Mikael in my nightmare," he whispers. "Oh my god," I whisper. "But you know that it was not him, right," I say. "I don't know, it felt so real," he whispers holding me closer to him. "But it was not him because you killed him," I say. He nods, "I know," he whispers. I drift off to sleep but I feel Nik get up and hear him leave the room. 

Nik's POV

I knock on Anna's door, "Come in," she says. "Do you sleep," I ask. "I was in a sleeping spell for a thousand years," Anna deadpans. "What's wrong," she asks me. "I saw Mikael," I whisper. "What happened," she asks. "He killed me," I say. "Niklaus, you still have a protection spell on you," Anna tells me. "I know," I say. "Don't worry about it," Anna says. "How is this happening," I ask. "A witch is trying to break down the Other Side from the Other Side," Anna says. "Who?" I ask. "I don't know, but I'm looking into it," Anna tells me. 

Anna's POV

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Anna's POV

 Niklaus goes back to bed, and Finn knocks on my door. "You lied," he says. I nod, "Sit, we need to talk," I tell him. "Who is trying to break down the Other Side," Finn asks. "Esther is breaking down the Other Side unintentionally," I say. "She is trying to get to this plane and she is succeeding," I explain. "How?" Finn asks. "She is not alone," I say. "Have you been seeing Mikael," I ask Finn, he nods. "They are working together, and want to kill the family," I say. 

"Why now," Finn asks. "After a thousand years, why now," he asks. "That's the part I have not figured out yet," I say. "Is it because Niklaus is finally happy, with Caroline and the babies coming," Finn suggests. That makes me pause, "You remember why we left Europe, right," I ask. "Yes," Finn says. "The real reason," I add. "Freya and Dahlia," Finn says. "They are not coming back to kill us," I whisper. "It's Nik and Caroline's children," Finn finishes. I nod. 

"I saw two visions of the babies birth and I have been preventing one of them from happening," I say

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"I saw two visions of the babies birth and I have been preventing one of them from happening," I say. "What," Finn asks. "The red headed witch was going to be given orders that she was to sacrifice the babies," I explain. "But you prevented that from happening because you had her locked up," Finn says. "And now, the babies will be born and they will be fine," I say. "And you are not going to let that happen," Finn deadpans. "Of course not," I say. 

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