Us Girls Have to Stick Together

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Katherine's POV

After a long night, Elijah and I go downstairs to see Caroline eating breakfast and Klaus reading a book but mostly watching her. After a few minutes I decide to comment, "You know you could drop all pretense of reading," I say. He glares at me as Caroline looks between the two of us. Anna walks into the room, "We have a guest," she says. Elijah and Klaus move to the other room, Caroline and I give each other a look and follow them. 

We walk into the living room and a witch is sitting there, "Who are you," I ask

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We walk into the living room and a witch is sitting there, "Who are you," I ask. "And what are you doing here," Klaus adds. "My name is Agnes and I am working with Sophie, we need to make sure that the baby is healthy," she says. Rebekah raises her eyebrows, "And why should we trust you," she asks. "Sophie is my friend, I would not put her in danger," the woman named Agnes says. "You should go," Anna says after a moment. We look to the oldest sister, "Both of you," she says looking at Klaus and Caroline. "Wait vampires can't hear about this," Agnes says sounding nervous. "Niklaus is the father of the children, therefore he should be able to go," Anna says. I raise my eyebrows, 'Children' I think. Sabine looks at her and sighs knowing that she won't win. 

Agnes leaves and Anna turns to us, "Rebekah, Sage and Katherine will go with them to the doctor's appointment," she says. "You noticed that she suddenly became nervous when I mentioned Niklaus going with Caroline. Better to be safe than sorry," Anna says. Anna leaves the room, I look around at her siblings, "She did say children, right," I ask. Her siblings nod, as Klaus follows Anna out of the room. 

Nik's POV

I go into Anna's study and begin to pace, I can feel Anna watching me start to panic. "You know that you were going to have more than one child because of the vision I showed you," Anna says after a moment. I sigh, "I know," I say. "I just did not expect," I start. "You did not expect that you could be getting everything you have ever wanted all at the same time," Anna finishes. I nod, "Then perhaps going to this doctor's appointment will help," Anna says. I nod knowing that this will all fall into place when I hear that the babies are healthy. 

I walk back into the living room and notice that the only person left in the room was Caroline

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I walk back into the living room and notice that the only person left in the room was Caroline. "You okay," she asks. I nod, "Yes, minor panic," I say. "You aren't regretting anything, are you," Caroline says looking down. I put my hand under her chin and have her meet my eyes, "Never," I whisper. She smiles, and leans forward to kiss me. I kiss back gently. 

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