Arc 1 (2) [Rev.]

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After two days...

Upon entering the school, Feng Li could feel the eyes of others upon him. Omegas and some Betas blushed at his appearance, while even Alphas felt a sense of oppression in his presence, despite his lack of pheromones. However, no one dared to approach him due to his dominant aura.

The classrooms were segregated for Omegas, Alphas, and Betas to prevent any mishaps from occurring.

After Feng Li visited the Principal's Office...

"May I come in, sir?"

"Yes, Feng Li, come in. Your mother contacted me earlier. Your class will be Class A. So, have fun."

"Yes, sir."

"Just call me Uncle when there's nobody around."

"Yes, Uncle."

Feng Li smiled.

"Wait a second, your homeroom teacher will be here shortly. He will take you to your class."

After Feng Li's homeroom teacher arrived...

"You called me, sir."

"Yes, Mr. Lin, this is Feng Li, a transfer student who will be studying in Class A. Please show him his class."

"Yes, sir."

Upon reaching his class, Mr. Lin entered Class A with Feng Li.

"Students, this is your new classmate, Feng Li. Feng, please introduce yourself."

"My name is Feng Li. I love to play basketball and sing. Thank you."

"Please take your seat, Feng."

During the break...

While walking near the garden, Feng Li heard a voice.

"Hey, isn't it a lowly bug wanting to be a butterfly?"

"Don't call me a bug!"

Approaching the source of the voice...

"What are you doing?" Feng Li asked.

Upon seeing someone approaching, the bullies ran away.

"Thank you," said the protagonist, blushing with hearts in his eyes.


Observing this interaction, Feng Li felt that the protagonist seemed different from the one described in the book.

Returning to the classroom...

Feng Li gazed out the window, lost in thoughts about his best friend, who had known him for over 10 years but had tried to kill him because of his love for his step-sister. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

After the teacher entered the class and began teaching, the school day came to an end. Feng Li headed to his apartment near the school. The original owner of the body had lived alone as his parents were always busy with work and projects. They had wanted to send a cook and maid to take care of him, but he had rejected their offer, preferring to live alone in the apartment.

Once in his room, Feng Li checked the news about the stock market.

Later that night, feeling hungry but finding nothing left to eat, Feng Li decided to buy some food items. He put on his sneakers and headed out.

While walking down the road after purchasing the food items, he suddenly caught a whiff of sweet pheromones coming from an alley beside him. Someone called for help. Feng Li went into the alley and saw an Omega, with whom he had collided earlier, being surrounded by a few Alphas.

As Feng Li approached, one of the Alphas spotted him and the group attacked him. Knowing that releasing his pheromones would oppress not only the Alphas but also the Omega, Feng Li refrained from using that power.

After defeating all of them, he went over to the frightened Omega, who had a face full of fear and was sweating profusely. His lips had turned pale.

"Are you alright?"

The Omega nodded, and Feng Li extended his hand to help him up. However, in the process, he slipped and accidentally fell, with the Omega landing on top of him.

Observing the Omega's embarrassment, Feng Li asked, "What's your name?"

"Y...Yu Xin."

"Oh, can you walk?"


Feng Li turned to leave, but before he could, the hem of his t-shirt was caught. Turning back, he asked if the Omega needed anything, and heard a quiet, "Thank you."

Leaving him in a crowded area, Feng Li departed.

Upon returning to his apartment, Feng Li headed to the kitchen to cook. After enjoying his dinner, he retreated to his room to continue researching the stock market.


A new chapter for you guys.......(^^)


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