Arc 1 (9) [Rev.]

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As the days went by, the aftermath of Jiang Corporation's bankruptcy had a profound impact on the lives of those involved. Song Jin, once an eager participant in the company's schemes, found himself feeling lost and abandoned. He began distancing himself from Jiang You, seeking solace in isolation as he grappled with the consequences of his past actions.

Meanwhile, Feng Li and Yu Xin's love continued to flourish, undeterred by the external turmoil. Their bond remained as strong as ever, and they found comfort and joy in each other's presence. Feng Li was acutely aware of Yu Xin's feelings toward Song Jin, and he made sure to keep his distance from him, shielding his lover from any potential pain.

As the days turned into weeks and then into months, Jiang You's situation took a sharp turn. The burden of the family's financial downfall became too much to bear, and he ultimately made the difficult decision to drop out of school. His departure left a void at the school, and many wondered about the fate of the once proud and ambitious heir.

Amidst the ups and downs of life, one special day arrived - Feng Li's birthday. It had been a year since he and Yu Xin started dating, and this birthday held special significance for both of them. However, as the day approached, Yu Xin couldn't help but feel a tinge of uncertainty. He wanted to give Feng Li the perfect gift, one that would express his love and appreciation, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it might not be enough.

As the clock ticked closer to 6 pm, the atmosphere in the Feng Family's mansion was filled with excitement and anticipation. The mansion was adorned with elegant decorations, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air. Feng Li's birthday celebration was an extravagant affair, with friends and family coming together to honor the heir of the Feng Family.

Amidst the grand celebration, Yu Xin nervously held the gift he had prepared for Feng Li. It was carefully wrapped, but his heart still pounded with uncertainty. He wanted this day to be perfect for his beloved, and he hoped that his gift would convey the depth of his feelings.

At 5 pm, the grand mansion was bustling with preparations for Feng Li's birthday party. Feng Li, the center of attention, stood in front of his full-length mirror, carefully choosing his outfit for the special occasion. He opted for a dark blue suit, the deep hue perfectly complementing his charismatic aura. With sapphire cufflinks adorning his wrists, he exuded an air of sophistication and elegance. Feng Li intentionally left the collar button of his shirt undone, giving him a slightly relaxed yet dashing look.

As 6 pm approached, the mansion was alive with the buzz of excited guests and the melodious notes of a live band. Amidst the cheerful ambiance, Feng Li excused himself for a moment, telling his family that he wanted to find Yu Xin.

Outside in the enchanting garden, soft lights illuminated the paths, casting a warm glow on the lush greenery. There, near the gentle flow of a fountain, stood Yu Xin, deep in thought, nerves evident on his face. Feng Li couldn't help but find his lover's nervousness amusing. So, he playfully approached Yu Xin from behind and wrapped his arms around his petite frame.

Startled by the unexpected embrace, Yu Xin was about to push away, but the familiar scent of Feng Li's pheromones reassured him. He relaxed into the embrace, turning around to hug Feng Li back, burying his face into the comforting warmth of Feng Li's chest.

Feng Li gently cupped Yu Xin's small face with one hand, tilting it up to meet his gaze, before tenderly claiming his lips in a passionate kiss. Yu Xin closed his eyes, surrendering to the sensation as he hooked his fingers around Feng Li's neck, letting himself be kissed with complete abandon.

Their kiss deepened, and Feng Li skillfully explored Yu Xin's mouth, leaving them both breathless and yearning for more. A thin glistening thread of saliva lingered between their lips as they reluctantly broke apart, their heavy breaths mingling in the air.

Yu Xin's eyes were filled with emotions, and his lips were a luscious shade of red from the intensity of their kiss. Feng Li couldn't help but feel the desire to take things further, but he quickly remembered that Yu Xin was still not an adult, so he pushed aside those thoughts, not wanting to take any undue risks.

With a soft smile, Feng Li tenderly fixed Yu Xin's disheveled appearance, making sure they looked presentable before heading back to the party hall. However, before they stepped inside, Yu Xin surprised Feng Li with a beautifully wrapped gift - a sleek silver-colored watch.

Feng Li's heart swelled with affection, and he pecked Yu Xin lovingly on his forehead, expressing his gratitude for the heartfelt gift. Hand in hand, they walked back into the vibrant celebration, their love, and connection evident to all who looked upon them.

After reaching the party venue, Feng Li saw his father and dad gesturing for him to come over. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry about how they would react to him bringing Yu Xin. Nevertheless, he mustered up his courage and took Yu Xin with him as he approached his parents.

As they stood before his father and dad, Yu Xin's nerves were evident, fearing that Feng Li's parents might forbid them from dating. Feng Li introduced Yu Xin to them with a gentle smile, trying to ease the tension, "Father, dad, this is Yu Xin, my love, and Yu Xin, they are my dad and father."

Yu Xin greeted them politely, his voice a bit shaky, "H... Hello, Uncle."

Dad Feng couldn't contain his delight, finding Yu Xin charming. He turned to Papa Feng, who nodded approvingly, and said, "You are so cute, Yu Xin! Right, honey?"

Papa Feng nodded, giving Yu Xin a warm smile, "Indeed, you are."

Seeing his parents being enthusiastic about Yu Xin filled Feng Li with relief. The genuine interest and warm reception they offered to his partner eased any doubts he may have had. He knew his parents cared about him deeply, and their acceptance of Yu Xin meant the world to him.

Just then, Huo Yun called out to Feng Li from behind. Feng Li explained to his parents and Yu Xin that he would be back in a moment after meeting his friends.

After Feng Li left, Dad Feng turned to Yu Xin and said, "Thank you for being with my son, Yu Xin."

Yu Xin replied respectfully, "No Uncle, actually I'm fortunate to meet Feng Li."

Dad Feng continued, "You know, we always thought that Feng Li would live his whole life alone because he always told us that he felt love was a waste. But then he told us about you, and we saw a different shine on his face whenever he talked about you. So please, keep loving him, because even though he may seem cold towards others, he cares about you."

"I know, Uncle," Yu Xin replied with a grateful smile.

Later, Feng Li returned with Huo Yun and others. He proudly introduced Yu Xin to everyone, "This is my wife, Yu Xin, and your sister-in-law, Understand?"

"Hello, sister-in-law," they all said in unison.

Feeling a bit shy after being called sister-in-law, Yu Xin lightly beat Feng Li on his arm. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter as everyone enjoyed the party.

Then, one of Feng Li's friends asked, "Sister-in-law, how did you manage to melt this ice heart?"

Feng Li looked lovingly at Yu Xin and replied, "He melted my heart with his beautiful clear eyes."

Hearing this sweet confession, Yu Xin blushed, and Feng Li pulled him into a tight embrace, showing the world just how deeply they cared for each other. The party continued, and as the night wore on, Feng Li and Yu Xin celebrated not only Feng Li's birthday but also the love they had found in each other's hearts.


This birthday party scene is still not over but you have to wait for another chapter.......


Till then BYE!!!!!!!!!!

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