Arc 2(26) [NFSW]

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Arc 2(26)[NFSW]

After days of eager anticipation, the momentous day arrived for Feng Li and Yu Xin's intimate journey. They set out in a luxurious carriage, the gentle sway of the vehicle adding a touch of romance to the air. Accompanying them were only a few trusted individuals - the experienced driver guiding the carriage's path, the devoted maid Chu Hua, and the loyal subordinate, Li Long.

Feng Li had meticulously planned this excursion, ensuring every detail was just right for the love of his life. The carriage meandered through picturesque landscapes, the soft hues of the setting sun casting a warm glow upon their faces. Inside the carriage, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of excitement and intimacy, the air practically palpable with affection.

As they reached the quaint inn nestled in the tranquil countryside, it was already dark. Feng Li's heart raced with anticipation. This inn, carefully selected by him, offered an ambiance of charm and seclusion, providing the perfect sanctuary for the couple's romantic escape. With the innkeeper's warm welcome, Feng Li led Yu Xin to their private suite, a haven of comfort and elegance.

Chu Hua and Li Long discreetly gave the couple space, understanding the significance of this moment for their master and his beloved

As Yu Xin stepped into the room, he was immediately captivated by its enchanting beauty. The walls were adorned with intricate floral patterns, delicately painted in soft pastel hues, creating an ambiance of elegance and charm.

In one corner, a cozy sitting area was arranged, complete with plush velvet armchairs and an ornate coffee table adorned with freshly cut flowers. The scent of the blooms filled the air, adding a touch of nature's beauty to the already exquisite setting. On the nearby walls, carefully selected pieces of art hung, each a masterpiece in its own right, adding an artistic flair to the room.

A lavish canopy bed, draped in luxurious silk and adorned with cascading rose petals, stood as the centerpiece, beckoning them to a world of dreams and desires.

The air was infused with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, their perfume mingling with the subtle scent of vanilla, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that enveloped them like a comforting embrace. The room seemed to be a haven of intimacy, where time stood still.

In the breathtakingly romantic room, with its soft, flickering candlelight casting an ethereal glow, Yu Xin found himself entranced by the beauty that surrounded him. The delicate wall-hangings on the walls seemed to whisper secrets of passion, while the scents of blooming flowers and vanilla enveloped him in a cocoon of desire.

Lost in the enchantment of the moment, he was suddenly pulled into warm, strong arms from behind. The unexpected embrace took his breath away, and he felt his heart race as Feng Li's hands gently held his waist, drawing him closer. The contrast between the warmth of Feng Li's body and the coolness of the room sent shivers of anticipation down his spine.

His back pressed against Feng Li's impressive eight-pack abs, and he couldn't help but blush as he felt the power and strength emanating from the man holding him. Despite his initial attempt to squirm out of Feng Li's embrace, his efforts were met with a firmer hold, enveloping him in a loving and possessive grasp.

Before he could utter a word, his protests were silenced by the soft touch of Feng Li's lips against his neck. The sensation sent a jolt of electricity through him, and he gasped in surprise and pleasure. Feng Li's kiss was gentle yet passionate, leaving a trail of warmth and desire in its wake.

Yu Xin's mind went blank as he surrendered to the intoxicating embrace, his body molding perfectly against Feng Li's. The world around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them entwined in each other's arms, caught in the throes of a love that defied all reason.

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