Arc 3(32)

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Yu Xin was completely exhausted. His vision blurred and his body went limp. He could barely move anymore.

His body was sticky, because of all the sweat and other stuff that covered it.

He lay there motionless for several minutes, breathing heavily.

But, he knew it was still the start of his heat period and he would have to go through this again.

So, he slowly sat up and crawled towards Feng Li, who was lying on the bed.

He hugged him from the front, pressing his cheek against Feng Li's chest.

Yu Xin closed his eyes tiredly, "Husband... Why are you being so mean to me today...?"

Feng Li smiled affectionately, "I'm sorry, baby. I couldn't help myself. You're just too cute when you beg."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

"How many days do you need to stay like this?", Feng Li asked gently.

Yu Xin mumbled shyly, "Five days."

Feng Li sighed softly, "Okay then. I'll make sure you don't get hungry."

"Are you thirsty?", Feng Li questioned worriedly.

Yu Xin nodded slightly, "Mhmm..."

Feng Li got up and walked over to the side of the cave, where a pot of water stood.

He brought water for Yu Xin to drink and gave it to him.

Then, he returned to bed and lay down beside Yu Xin.

He wrapped his arm around Yu Xin's waist and pulled him closer.

"Rest now.", Feng Li ordered lovingly.

Yu Xin snuggled close to Feng Li and buried his face in Feng Li's chest.

After some time, Yu Xin fell asleep.

At midnight, Yu Xin felt his body heat up again, this time even more aggressive than before. But before he could wake Feng Li up, he was already awake.

Feng Li, who was deeply asleep, woke up because of the refreshing and sweet smell of grapes. It smelt like heaven for him.

He opened his eyes and saw Yu Xin lying next to him with his eyes closed. His cheeks were red, and sweat dripped down his forehead. His whole body shook slightly.

Feng Li noticed Yu Xin's ears and tail were out. They were twitching uncontrollably.

He immediately understood what was happening, even though, Feng Li knew it was normal to go into heat for beasts and sub-beasts but seeing Yu Xin being so uncomfortable broke Feng Li's heart.

"Baby, I'm here.", Feng Li whispered soothingly.

Yu Xin didn't respond. He just kept breathing heavily.

"Shhh... Baby, I'm right here.", Feng Li reassured tenderly.

He pulled Yu Xin close and kissed his forehead lightly.

Then, he leaned down and kissed Yu Xin deeply.

"I love you.", Feng Li murmured affectionately.

Feng Li rubbed Yu Xin's back soothingly.

"It's okay, baby. Don't worry.", Feng Li comforted sweetly.

Yu Xin suddenly grabbed onto Feng Li tightly. He pressed himself against Feng Li's body and groaned uncomfortably.

"Husband... Please...", Yu Xin begged desperately.

Feng Li smiled reassuringly, "It's alright, baby. I'm right here."

Then for a whole week, Yu Xin and Feng Li made love until they couldn't anymore. Yu Xin wasn't able to walk properly after that, so Feng Li had to carry him around.

"I think I'll be fine by tomorrow.", Yu Xin said hoarsely.

"Are you sure?", Feng Li asked concernedly.

Yu Xin nodded weakly, "Yeah..."

"Do you want something to eat? Or do you just want to rest?", Feng Li inquired worriedly.

"Water is fine.", Yu Xin answered softly.

Feng Li quickly fetched some water and handed it over to Yu Xin.

He drank it greedily and finished half of it in one gulp.

Afterward, he sat up and leaned back against the wall behind him.

"Thanks.", Yu Xin mumbled gratefully.

Feng Li smiled warmly, "You're welcome."

He crawled closer to Yu Xin and kissed his cheek lovingly.

"I'll get us dinner, okay?", Feng Li suggested sweetly.

"Can I go with you?", Yu Xin requested coyly.

Feng Li shook his head firmly, "No. Stay here and rest. Also, don't go out anywhere. Wait for me to come back."

He got up from the bed and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Before leaving, he glanced over at Yu Xin, "I'll be back soon."

Then, he disappeared outside.

Yu Xin watched him leave and felt uncomfortable.

He looked down at his own naked body and blushed furiously.

Suddenly, he remembered how hot it was inside the cave when they were making love.

So, he decided to take a bath.

But, he had to walk a little far to get to the riverside where they usually bathe. So, he stood up, on his legs, which were trembling a little because of all the love-making he had endured this week.


Guys! Be ready for some ride!

Not gonna say what sort of ride but just be ready...

Hope you are enjoying~


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