Arc 2(39)

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With a heart full of newfound happiness, Feng Li's words flowed a strong confirmation of his deep promise: "I'll keep them safe always. I'll provide everything they desire." A deep quietness covered the area as Feng Li's words echoed, each sound making a trail through the air.

The system, always so cold and unyielding, now struggled with unfamiliar turmoil. Feelings, strange and raw, swirled inside it, a mix of confusion and awe that left it unable to speak. Meanwhile, Feng Li's hands moved with gentle care, his fingertips brushing against the soft strands of his children's hair. His touch carried the guarantee of safety and fondness, a vow to guide their lives into something beautiful and meaningful.

However, among the warmth and affection, a small seed of discomfort began to grow within the system. An invisible ache tugged at its consciousness, a feeling of longing it couldn't quite grasp. Jealousy, an emotion foreign to its nature, clawed at its heart, a sensation it struggled to express.

Following the arrival of the twins, Yu Xin's recovery was swift, a burst of energy that painted his days with new vitality. Holding one of the babies in his arms, his voice filled the air with a mix of wonder and tenderness, "They are so adorable."

A smile lit up Feng Li's face, a tender expression reflecting joy and contentment, "Yes, they are."

Yu Xin's voice carried amazement, his words tinged with disbelief, "I can't believe we have two kids now."

Feng Li's response held reassurance that resonated, "I understand. It's hard to believe but it's true."

His hand extended gently, fingers tracing the delicate curve of the baby's soft cheek. In response, a symphony of giggles burst forth, a sweet melody echoing from the tiny form in his arms. The baby's fingers, still chubby with innocence, reached out and playfully held onto Feng Li's finger.

Yu Xin's eyes held wonder as they lingered on the infants before them, his words revealing awe, "It's amazing how much they resemble each other."

Feng Li's response conveyed gentle affection, "All babies look the same after birth."

Yu Xin's laughter bubbled up, a lightness filling the room, "I suppose you're right. But I think they resemble each other more than most babies do."

Yu Xin cradled the babies against his chest, his arms swaying them gently, a soothing rhythm spreading through the room. However, as time went on, a hint of moisture gathered in his eyes, glinting like morning dew.

Feng Li's brows knitted with concern, his voice carrying worry, "Yu Xin? What's the matter?"

Yu Xin's answer was accompanied by a soft sniffle, "Nothing."

A tender smile graced his lips as he wiped away the glistening tears, a gesture to hide his emotions. "It's just that... I can't shake the feeling that there should be one more," he confessed softly.

Feng Li's surprise was clear, his eyes widening at Yu Xin's words. Yet, he quickly regained his composure, his thoughts a whirlwind of memories that danced between the past and the present. In that moment, a sense of familiarity wrapped around him like an old friend. In their previous life, after the birth of their children, Yu Xin had expressed the same sentiment, the same longing for another presence to complete their family. The echoes of that memory blended with the present, forming a poignant connection that linked the two worlds.

Amidst this personal moment, Feng Li embraced Yu Xin tenderly, ensuring his comfort and the safety of their precious newborns. His heart beat with resonance, responding to Yu Xin's heartfelt declaration, a symphony of emotions swelling within him.

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