Arc 3(10)

486 18 13

Both, Feng Li and Yu Xin, basked in the riverside nearby.

This was Feng Li's idea, having a bath together.

He couldn't help but not pass up an opportunity like this. He would take every chance he would get to hold Yu Xin close to him.

The water lapped softly against their bodies, occasionally creating tiny ripples. They sat together on the edge, with Feng Li holding the end of a hair tie between his teeth, braiding his lover's luxurious long black hair.

Yu Xin glanced backward over his shoulder at him, a faint smile on his pink, bow-shaped, and slightly parted lips. His enchanting dark eyes had a look of love and warmth. Feng Li smirked teasingly at him, as his thick braid rested elegantly in his large palm.


Yu Xin pursed his lips.

"Is there something on your mind?", Feng Li inquired. He gently wiped a speck of dirt from Yu Xin's bottom lip before softly kissing the same area, grinning wickedly when he saw him reddening.

"Y-you...", Yu Xin pouted with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hahahaha, tell me what you want. What can I do to make you smile again? Tell me, how to please you. Ask for anything, and if I can, I will."

Feng Li felt an inexplicable happiness when Yu Xin stared up at him with doe eyes, cheeks dusted lightly, as if he just woke up.

He lifted his eyebrows, expecting him to speak.

"You...t-today, d-did you take it out of my body?", Yu Xin breathed a sigh, the topic finally broached.

"Did what out?", Feng Li's grin broadened, wanting to tease him further.

"You...inside of my...did you remove them?", Yu Xin explained his question further, yet became less comprehensible.

"Did I clean you thoroughly this morning?", Feng Li sighed, tilting his lover's face upwards towards him.

"...cleaned?", Yu Xin shyly looked down. His mind scrambled to find any recollection and recalled that they had indeed had a warm bath, albeit their sweaty and tired condition.

Feng Li snapped a small bamboo, and lightly blew his breath on its tiny opening. The small leaf flew through the air and floated leisurely in front of Yu Xin. Yu Xin followed with his eyes the movement of the green leaf. The tips of his fingers skimmed across the leaf, and his eyes lightened up, resembling a deer surrounded by a string of fairy lights. Feng Li's gaze lingered for a while at his profile, basking in the gorgeous sight.

"And so, can you still feel the presence inside you? Did I clean you properly?", Feng Li whispered huskily. He threaded his fingers in Yu Xin's wispy and fragrant strands of hair, grazing the shell of his pink ear, his cheek, and stopped near his chin, caressing it slowly. Yu Xin leaned into his warmth.

He wondered if it was him imagining his ears redden and become more delicate at the mention of their private, and intimate time together. He slid the callous tip of his thumb along the cupid's bow of his soft lips. He hummed when he heard the muffled noises of Yu Xin.


"...a-a bit sticky, but not anymore after...but did you, did you take them out?", Yu Xin asked in the smallest, quietest tone, unsurely and somewhat fearful. Feng Li could hear the thumping of his heart, hammering loudly.

Feng Li squished the smaller cheek softly in his hands, unable to hold back and show his affections. His lover was too adorable. He nipped gently and lovingly on the soft skin, delighted to see his Yu Xin was quite blushing madly, embarrassed yet not displeased by his boldness.

"No, baby...are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed?! I-I...", Yu Xin felt ashamed at being discovered so easily.

"Hahaha! So, you're interested, aren't you?...Don't think about it too much. We shall do it as you like. I'll consider myself lucky."

"Are you done? Should I walk around the yard?", Yu Xin stated plainly, coldly and icily.

"How dear little rabbit is angry now~. Please forgive your stupid beast?"

"You are annoying! Leave me alone. Let's not meet."

Feng Li closed a small part of the gap between them and brushed a single finger, then wrapped him in his muscular arms, laughing quietly in his ear. He was forced to make space for him as he straddled his body on Yu Xin.

Yu Xin squeezed out a small volume of fresh and pure water from his hand and splashed the smug bastard on the chest and face.

Yu Xin ran away from his embrace, giggling, happy, and feeling young and mischievous. Feng Li grabbed him back, determined not to allow him a chance to get away, and ignored his yelp and squeak.

He sat his lover's lithe, elegant, and beautiful waist in between his legs, the smaller man's back pressed against his bare chest. They were facing the lake.

Feng Li threaded his hands under the water and grabbed his feet and the heels of the dainty and shapely legs. He dug and massaged the bottom soles, eliciting a long sigh from Yu Xin. His hands then travelled to the thin ankle and tickled and skated down the knees, stroking it as if it was a prized possession.

It felt warm. It was perfect. It was Yu Xin.

"What do you mean leave you alone? I never want us to separate...not even from you. Every morning when I wake up, I have you by my side."

"Good thing there's you by my side. You make life worth living. As long as we're together, it'll always be okay."

"As long as there is me..."

He leaned into the crook of Yu Xin's innocent yet priceless, and lovable neck.

"I love you, and I'll take care of you. Always, no matter what. Remember that you have me."

That was the moment that Yu Xin felt the surge of protectiveness coming from Feng Li, and it brought an indescribable and immense sense of happiness to him.

"You're an annoying dumb and silly.", Yu Xin rested the back of his neck on the man behind him, resting his full weight on him. His long and loose braid trailed his front and joined the water in a graceful waltz. His hands wandered off to caress the sculpted, rough, and large hands enveloping him, entangling their fingers in a tight grip. His pale and slender ankles locked around the sturdy and tall legs that embraced his slender, slender, and lithe frame.

"But, I also love you."

"I can only hope for nothing else.", Feng Li replied in a soft and gentle, yet affectionate, loving, and profound way.

"As long as there is us, what will happen will happen. We'll have each other."

"Can you let me see your ears, baby?", Feng Li pleaded, whispering quietly yet reassuringly, his voice close to his sensitive skin.

"L-Later.", Yu Xin had trouble refusing him, the persuasive, passionate, and breathy voice sending shivers and jolts of lightning. Feng Li chuckled, and Yu Xin continued his actions, moving, his face coming closer, and then their eyes met. The unbreakable and sacred, indomitable gaze, intense yet soft and filled with so much love, felt as if the water melted into a seething pot of lava. He raised a hand, and a thumb landed on his kiss-swollen, parted lips. He played with the corner, flicking it gently, a slight pressure that seemed to possess his full attention and yearn. Feng Li couldn't breathe as Yu Xin slowly crawled and returned back to his arms, his kissable, addicting, plump and red mouth.




Also, someone is going to do something bad in next chapter...

Hope you are ready!



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