Arc 1 (11) [Rev.]

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After bidding farewell to Yu Xin, Feng Li made his way back home. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of longing to have Yu Xin by his side for a little while longer. As he entered his quiet and luxurious home, he found himself alone with his thoughts.

The party had been a grand affair, filled with laughter, music, and joy. Yet, he couldn't help but notice the absence of Yu Xin's family, who were unable to attend due to prior commitments. Papa Yu and Mama Yu were away on a crucial business trip, while Yu Xin's elder brother was preparing for his upcoming exams.

Sitting in his plush armchair, Feng Li took out his phone and began to browse through his stocks and investments. The glowing screen displayed a world of numbers, fluctuations, and opportunities. It was a realm where he felt completely in control, navigating the intricate pathways of the financial world with expertise.

As the night advanced, Feng Li could feel the fatigue setting in. But before retiring to bed, he turned to his ever-reliable companion, the system.

("Hey system, do you have any evidence of all the evil deeds Song Jin did?")

('There is some evidence of his deeds, master,' the emotionless voice of the system replied.

Determined to bring an end to Song Jin's malicious intentions, Feng Li had a plan in mind. He swiftly issued a command to the system.

("Send it all to the School Principal.")

('Yes, master') the system acknowledged, ready to execute its master's instructions.

Satisfied with the course of action he had taken, Feng Li finally settled into his comfortable bed. He couldn't help but think of Yu Xin, the person who had changed his life in ways he never imagined. A gentle smile played on his lips as he recalled the sweet moments they had shared together.

As the night enveloped him, Feng Li's thoughts drifted to the future. He knew that with Yu Xin by his side, they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead. With that comforting thought in mind, he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to claim him, knowing that a new day would bring new opportunities and adventures.

The next day, the atmosphere at school was buzzing with whispers and rumors. Word had spread like wildfire about Song Jin's disgraceful actions, and the evidence presented to the Principal had left no room for doubt. Students and teachers alike were shocked to learn the truth about the once-popular and seemingly friendly Song Jin.

As the morning bell rang, students gathered in the corridors, eager to catch a glimpse of the unfolding drama. When the Principal's stern voice echoed through the speakers, it signaled the commencement of the school assembly. All students were summoned to the auditorium, including Song Jin, who felt a heavy weight in his heart.

Inside the Principal's office, Song Jin was confronted not only by the stern Principal but also by his parents, who had been summoned to witness their son's misdeeds. A mixture of shame, guilt, and fear washed over Song Jin as he stood before them, trying to muster some semblance of defiance.

"Mr. Song, do you know what your child is doing?" questioned the Principal with an unwavering gaze.

"What are you talking about, sir?" replied Papa Song, looking visibly bewildered.

The Principal wasted no time and presented the damning evidence—videos, chats, and phone records of Song Jin's involvement in extorting money from gangsters to torment his fellow students. The room fell into an eerie silence as the evidence spoke volumes about Song Jin's true character.

Seeing the incriminating proof, Papa Song's disbelief turned into rage. He couldn't fathom that his beloved son had been engaging in such despicable acts instead of focusing on his studies. Unable to contain his anger, Papa Song stood up and delivered a stinging slap across Song Jin's cheek. The room trembled with tension as the reality of his actions sunk in for Song Jin.

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