Arc 2(23)

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Arc 2(23)

General Yu remembered the past. He found a delicate boy near the shore of a river. The beautiful boy's feet were in the river. His eyes closed. He was like a scenery with trees and a river in the background.

General Yu, who was still a soldier at that age, was stunned.

He took a step forward; his feet walking toward the boy unconsciously. The boy glared at him angrily. He was very similar to the fox he met before, cute but arrogant.

Yu Ling's heart tickled. Yu Ling wanted to tease him, till the boy blushed.

Since then, Yu Ling would go to the shore to meet the boy every day. Three months later, he confessed to An Nuo. General Yu still remembered the blush on An Nuo's face.

Everything was replayed in General Yu's head from meeting for the first time to marriage.

General Yu wiped his tears, he stood up, ordering, "We are going back to the capital today."

While riding back to the Capital City, his head was messed up. He believed An Nuo was in the capital city. He still remembered Yu Xin, who looked so similar to An Nuo. He had a feeling; Yu Xin was An Nuo's child. Otherwise, how can a person look so similar to someone else?

The sun was going to set soon and General Yu finally reached the capital city. On reaching the capital city, he went straight to Feng Li's place. After reaching, he went to meet Feng Li.

The housekeeper saw him, and he bowed a little, saying, "General Yu, Crown Prince is in the study room."

General Yu nodded, his legs walking swiftly. General Yu's eyes were filled with expectation and hope...the hope of finding An Nuo. He was scared but filled with belief. Without An Nuo, his heart had died many times. He was filled with fear, what if he guessed wrong and An Nuo was not in the capital city?

If his guess was wrong, then he would all of his hope. He wished Yu Xin was his son and An Nuo was in the capital.

Soon, General Yu stood in front of the study room. He was gasping for breath. His shaky hand knocked on the door slightly. After knocking, he went in.

Feng Li watched General Yu coming in. He looked at him uncertainly. If he was correct, General Yu should be searching for his wife. Feng Li was confused. He asked, "Master, shouldn't you be searching for your wife?"

While asking, Feng Li poured a cup of tea for him.

General Yu sat down and gulped the whole tea hastily. He took a huge breath, asking, "Boy, did your wife ever say something about a person named An Nuo?"

Feng Li was confused, he never heard Yu Xin say something about a person named An Nuo. The only person he met was Yu Xin's dad, but he never asked Yu Xin's dad's name. He didn't want to look disrespectful.

Feng Li shook his head, saying, "Yu Xin never said anything about a person who was called An Nuo."

General Yu was devastated. He believed Feng Li would not lie to him.

The last hope he had was extinguished, leaving him lifeless. General Yu's eyes were blank.

Feng Li was distressed, he asked, "Master, are you all right?"

General Yu forced a smile, his voice choking, "It's nothing. I have something to do, I'm going back."

General Yu stood up and left the study room listlessly. He was gloomy.

In the same Courtyard,

An Nuo went out of his room. After confirming whether Feng Li loved Yu Xin, he was in a good mood these days. He was treated well.

Feeling bored, he decided to take a walk in the garden.

He was walking toward the garden slowly. The garden was closer to Feng Li's study room. To go to the study room, one must go from the footpath in the garden.

On reaching the garden, he looked at the huge tree in the garden with a swing tied to it. An Nuo was homesick. He used to play together with Yu Xin in the swing.

An Nuo went to the swing, he sat down on it. Even though he was old but he loved riding the swing.

The wind slowly passed through An Nuo. His long hair was fluttering along the wind. He closed his eyes to feel the wind caressing his skin, not knowing someone was staring at him wide-eyed.

General Yu looked at the person in front of him. His heart was filled with the joy of losing and then finding the treasure. He slapped his face, to find out whether it was a dream. His eyes were red and his lips trembling.

An Nuo opened his eyes, hearing a loud slap before him. Seeing the person, he was stunned. He gaped at him stupidly. He never thought they will meet again. But this time, An Nuo was filled with strange emotions. Looking at the Yu Ling, who looked as if he was about to cry, An Nuo was indifferent.

These years, he always thought about how he will feel after seeing Yu Ling, turns out he had already overcome the heartbreak, even though the scars were still there in his heart.

Remembering all the past events, his heart hated Yu Ling but it was only a little, and his heart was indifferent now. As if all he and Yu Ling were just a dream and now...strangers.

An Nuo still wanted to mock Yu Ling, cause why not? He suffered so much in the past, a little taunt will not kill someone, right?

An Nuo smiled sarcastically, "Oh, General Yu, how were you all these years? I hope you were enjoying life."

General Yu heard the sarcasm, his lips turned white. His lips parted but no voice came out.

An Nuo heard him say nothing and saw Yu Ling's bloodless face. The grievances he faced made him ruthless toward Yu Ling. He questioned mockingly, "Why are you looking so frail, did your lovers suck you off completely?"

General Yu's ability to speak choked, and he mumbled, "I didn't...didn't..."

An Nuo laughed ironically, "Can't talk, that's good, I don't want to hear your voice too. Anyway, leave me alone."

General Yu looked at the ruthless An Nuo, his heart was peeled open. He wanted to speak but he was unable to.

He was like a statuette standing still in the same place.

An Nuo's mood worsened, "Don't want to leave, fine, I'm going."

An Nuo stood up and was leaving, then his wrist was tugged. He slapped off the hand holding his wrist. He turned around to face Yu Ling and took a few steps back.

General Yu stared at his slapped-off hand, he stiffened. He had a feeling, if he didn't clear the misunderstanding today, An Nuo will run away again.

General Yu opened his lips to say but he was cut off by An Nuo.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?! Go and find your lovers! Why are you bothering me?!"

General Yu retorted loudly, "I don't have any lovers! It's you! I only have you!"

An Nuo was stunned. But thinking of the past, he was about to counter but Yu Ling cut him off.

"I've been searching for you! I know I should've explained to you about that day. Don't do this...don't leave me alone..."

An Nuo looked at the aggrieved expression of Yu Ling. He was muddled, why would Yu Ling look victimized, obviously the one who got cheated on and suffered, was he, An Nuo, himself?

General Yu looked at the stiff An Nuo in front of him, he stated slowly, "It was not me whom you saw that day."


Long time no see, guys!

I had many work to do. My college classes are going on, and I had many assignments and all. It's so tiring!

Anyway, Let me announce-- Feng Li will be a snake beast in the next world! About mermaid...I will be writing another arc for it. So, right now, For Arc 3, it will be a snake. And I saw the reason for choosing snake...god!😂😂😂

Don't think I don't know that you want Yu Xin to suffer in bed~😂

Hope you enjoyed it!


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