Arc 3(35)

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When morning arrived, Feng Li woke up early and prepared breakfast for himself and Yu Xin.

He cooked some rice porridge with meat and vegetables.

After eating breakfast, he washed the dishes and cleaned the cave.

Once everything was done, he went outside and waited for Yu Xin to wake up.

After half an hour, he heard footsteps approaching him from behind.

He turned around and saw Yu Xin walking toward him with a sleepy expression on his face.

"Good morning, Baby.", Feng Li greeted cheerfully.

Yu Xin rubbed his eyes tiredly, "Morning..."

Feng Li smiled warmly, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Not really...", Yu Xin admitted sheepishly.

Feng Li sighed heavily, "I'm sorry about yesterday. If only I came back earlier..."

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault.", Yu Xin assured kindly.

Feng Li furrowed his brows worriedly, "Are you sure? You seem to be having trouble sleeping lately."

Yu Xin nodded reassuringly, "Don't worry about it. I'll get used to it eventually."

"Well, if you say so... Anyway, come eat something before I go to work.", Feng Li said encouragingly.

"Okay.", Yu Xin agreed readily.

They both headed inside the cave.

Yu Xin ate his breakfast while Feng Li watched him closely.

When Yu Xin finished eating, he washed the dishes and cleaned up after himself.

"Do you have any plans today?", Feng Li asked curiously.

Yu Xin shook his head slightly, "No, not really."

"Then, how about you go with me to the construction site? It's better than being alone here. Or you can go to meet Feng Ming."

Yu Xin pondered briefly before replying, "Okay, I want to go and meet Feng Ming."

"Let's go, I'll take you there.", Feng Li offered kindly.

Then, they both left the cave together.

Soon, they reached Feng Ming's cave.

"Ah, Brother, Yu Xin, Good Morning!", Feng Ming greeted cheerfully.

Feng Li smiled faintly, "Morning."

Yu Xin smiled at him sweetly, "Hi!"

"So... What brings you two here?", Feng Ming questioned curiously.

Feng Li replied casually, "We're just visiting. We haven't seen each other in a while. Also, I would like to leave Yu Xin here because he wants to stay with you for today."

"Oh, okay... Sure. You guys are welcome anytime.", Feng Ming agreed happily.

Feng Li nodded gratefully, "Thanks."

"Alright then, I'll get going now.", Feng Li announced firmly.

"Wait, Let's have lunch together later!", Feng Ming suggested excitedly.

Feng Li laughed softly, "Sure thing."

He turned to face Yu Xin and smiled, "Take care of yourself while I'm gone, alright?"

Yu Xin nodded obediently, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Okay then... See you later.", Feng Li said affectionately.

He kissed Yu Xin gently before leaving.

After Feng Li was gone, Yu Xin sat down beside Feng Ming.

"So... How have you been? What do you usually do all day?", Yu Xin inquired curiously.

Feng Ming smiled sheepishly, "Eh... I'm bored most of the time..."

"Really?", Yu Xin asked incredulously.

Feng Ming nodded sadly, "Yeah..."

"Why don't you go out and explore the surroundings? There must be lots of interesting things to see.", Yu Xin suggested hopefully.

Feng Ming shrugged helplessly, "There isn't much to do around here though..."

"Hmmm... I guess that makes sense.", Yu Xin mumbled thoughtfully.

"Anyway, why don't you come with me next time? Maybe we can find something fun to do together.", Yu Xin offered brightly.

Feng Ming grinned widely, "Deal."

They chatted for a while before Yu Xin said, "Feng Ming, I have a question for you."

"What is it?", Feng Ming replied curiously.

"Assume, you don't have lost your memories and someone told you that those memories will bring back pain and sadness for you, should you still want to remember everything?", Yu Xin asked hesitantly.

Feng Ming furrowed his brows confusedly, "Huh? What kind of weird question is this?"

"Just answer honestly, please.", Yu Xin requested firmly.

Feng Ming scratched his head awkwardly, "Well... If I didn't have my memories, then I wouldn't know if it brought pain or not, so I guess I'd still want to remember them."

Yu Xin sighed heavily, "I see..."

Feng Ming stared at him intently, "Is there anything bothering you? You seem kinda depressed lately."

Yu Xin shook his head slowly, "It's nothing. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?", Feng Ming pressed worriedly.

"Yes.", Yu Xin reassured firmly.

Feng Ming pursed his lips worriedly, "Alright If you say so."

"Thanks for listening.", Yu Xin said gratefully.

Feng Ming chuckled lightly, "No problem!"

Then, they continued talking until afternoon arrived.


Feng Li returned to Feng Ming's cave around noon.

When he entered the cave, he saw Yu Xin and Feng Ming sitting on the floor chatting animatedly.

He stood nearby quietly without disturbing them.

After several minutes, Feng Ming noticed him standing there.

"Brother! You're back!", Feng Ming greeted cheerfully.

Feng Li smiled faintly, "Yeah..."

Yu Xin looked up and saw Feng Li watching them intently.

His face immediately lit up upon seeing Feng Li.

He stood up quickly and rushed over to hug Feng Li tightly.

"Welcome back, Husband!", Yu Xin exclaimed happily.

Feng Li smiled warmly, "Hey baby, you seem very happy today."

Yu Xin grinned broadly, "Of course, because you're here now."

"Did something happen while I was gone?", Feng Li asked curiously.

Feng Ming answered casually, "Nope, Nothing special happened. We just talked a bit."

After talking, Feng Li said, "We'll leave now."

Feng Ming nodded understandably, "Okay. See you guys later!"

Feng Li led Yu Xin out of the cave and headed towards their home.

When they reached their cave, they sat down on the bed together.

Feng Li glanced at Yu Xin inquisitively, "What did you talk about with Feng Ming?"

Yu Xin bit his lower lip nervously, "Nothing...but..."



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