Arc 1 (13) [Rev.]

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Hey Guys!!!!!!!! Your Lazy Author is back~ ❤(ӦvӦ。)

I had my 'BOARD EXAMS' so you guys should know what kind of trouble this exam is.........

My Board Exam was over on 7th June but I'm back today that is 27th June

After 20 days............

Ummmmm Sorry!!!! m(_ _;)m

actually I have to give entrance exams now but don't ya worry I will be updating chapters.


At 10:00 am, as the sun's golden rays filtered through the curtains, Feng Li slowly stirred awake, his eyes gentle as he gazed at the slumbering form of Yu Xin. With a soft smile playing on his lips, he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Yu Xin's forehead, a sweet gesture to wake him up without startling him from his peaceful sleep.

After stretching lazily, Feng Li gracefully got up from the bed, the sheets rumpled from their night of shared warmth and love. He stood for a moment, admiring the sight of Yu Xin still lost in dreams, looking like a heavenly angel wrapped in soft sheets. His heart swelled with adoration, grateful for the blessing of having Yu Xin in his life.

As Feng Li padded softly to the ensuite bathroom, he turned on the water, letting it cascade from the showerhead and filling the space with a mist of warmth. He selected a plush grey jersey and a pair of black casual trousers from the well-organized wardrobe, dressing with a quiet elegance that complemented his handsome features.

Back in the kitchen, he effortlessly navigated the culinary haven, igniting the stove with a gentle click. The kitchen came alive with the aroma of fresh ingredients as he expertly prepared a wholesome and nourishing breakfast. He skillfully whipped up a creamy porridge, topped with a medley of colorful fruits, and created a refreshing fruit salad that looked like a work of art. The juicer hummed as he extracted the essence of various fruits, crafting a delightful glass of fruit juice that sparkled like liquid sunshine.

With the breakfast prepared with love, he set the table with care, arranging it in a way that would surely please Yu Xin's eyes and heart. Each detail was thoughtfully placed, a reflection of Feng Li's devotion to making the start of their day beautiful and memorable.

While waiting for Yu Xin to awaken, Feng Li settled at the dining table with his laptop, the soft tapping of his fingers on the keys echoing in the cozy ambiance of the apartment. He diligently checked his stocks, a testament to the skillful management of his financial affairs. However, he couldn't help but sneak glances at Yu Xin now and then, his heart filled with warmth as he admired the serene beauty of his love.

As he worked on a project for his father's company, the minutes seemed to stretch in both speed and significance. He was lost in a world of numbers and plans, but now and then, his thoughts drifted back to Yu Xin, a precious distraction he wouldn't trade for anything else in the world.

Just as he was deeply engrossed in his work, he sensed a familiar presence approaching. Turning his gaze, he saw Yu Xin walking towards him, his sleepy eyes still rubbing away the remnants of dreams. The sight of Yu Xin clad in only a loose shirt that slipped teasingly from his shoulder and revealed the breathtaking expanse of his soft skin sent a surge of desire coursing through Feng Li's veins.

Suppressing his intense emotions and the urge to indulge in more intimate moments, Feng Li cleared his throat lightly, breaking free from his momentary reverie. He was aware of the love marks adorning Yu Xin's thighs, a testament to their passionate night together, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of bashfulness and pride.

As Yu Xin approached, Feng Li stood up, his laptop forgotten for the moment, and smiled affectionately at his love. "Good morning, baby," he greeted softly, his heart swelling with love at the sight of Yu Xin's tousled hair and sleepy yet enchanting appearance.

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