Arc 1(20)[Rev.]

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As Yu Xin cried in the car, his heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces. His tears fell like rain, each drop carrying the weight of his deepest fears and insecurities. Feng Li's heart ached as he listened to those heart-wrenching sobs, his instincts urging him to protect and comfort the person he loved most in this world.

Feng Li's fingers trembled slightly as he reached out to touch Yu Xin's tear-stained cheek, his touch gentle and tender. He wiped away the tears, his thumb lingering on Yu Xin's soft skin, trying to erase the pain etched on his face. Yu Xin turned towards Feng Li, his eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and relief as he found solace in Feng Li's presence.

With a rush of emotions, Yu Xin jumped into Feng Li's arms and held him tightly, seeking comfort and security in the warmth of their embrace. His body shook with the weight of his emotions as he continued to cry, the dam of his insecurities finally breaking apart.

Feng Li didn't utter a word; instead, he let his actions speak louder than any words could. He held Yu Xin close, his strong arms providing a shield against the world's cruelties. With each stroke of his hand through Yu Xin's hair, he offered a soothing touch, silently telling him that he wasn't alone, that he had someone who would stand by his side no matter what.

"Shh... It's okay, Yu Xin. I'm here," Feng Li whispered, his voice a gentle murmur that caressed Yu Xin's ears like a soft breeze.

Determined to protect the fragile soul in his arms, Feng Li drove them to the apartment without delay. He guided Yu Xin to their sanctuary, where he knew they could find peace and safety.

Inside the apartment, Yu Xin clung to Feng Li as if he were an anchor keeping him grounded amidst the storm of emotions raging within him. Feng Li held him close, offering unwavering support and understanding.

He led Yu Xin to their bedroom, a place where they shared laughter, love, and comfort. Slowly, he placed Yu Xin on the bed, his gaze never leaving his teary-eyed love. Feng Li's heart ached as he saw Yu Xin's pain, his heart breaking with every tear that fell from those beautiful eyes.

With tender care, Feng Li sat beside Yu Xin, concern etched on his face. He spoke with a voice that held a mixture of love and protective anger, "Baby, did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me, and I promise you, I'll make sure they never hurt you again."

Yu Xin looked into Feng Li's eyes, seeing the genuine concern and love in his gaze. His heart swelled with emotion, knowing that he had someone who would fight for him and stand up for him, someone who loved him unconditionally.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Yu Xin poured his heart out, his voice quivering with emotion. His tear-filled eyes bore into Feng Li's soul, seeking understanding and acceptance.

"Feng Li, If I say I-I'm n-not from this w... world, do you think I'm a monster?" Yu Xin's voice trembled, revealing the fear that had been eating at him.

But before Feng Li could respond, Yu Xin's trembling hand found its way to his lips, silencing any protest he might have had. His heart ached as he witnessed the turmoil in Yu Xin's eyes.

"I got transmigrated into a novel called Make You Mine," Yu Xin began, the words tumbling out like a fragile confession. "I died because of being pushed down from the terrace and came here. I didn't know why I got transmigrated here. I knew Song Jin was the protagonist, and I was just cannon fodder, but I became friends with him. You were the villain in this novel, and you'll fall in love with Song Jin, and because of this, I got insecure. But I never thought I'd fall in love with you. You are so excellent that I feel I'm not worthy of you. So many Omegas, betas, and even some Alphas love you and want to marry you, and me, I am nothing compared to some of them who want you. I shouldn't have been alive—"

Before Yu Xin could finish his sentence, Feng Li kissed him fiercely, his lips claiming Yu Xin's as if to erase any doubts and insecurities. Their tongues danced passionately, expressing emotions that words could never convey. Yu Xin's breath quickened as he struggled to keep up with the intensity of the kiss, his heart pounding in his chest.

As they finally separated, a glistening silver string of saliva connected their lips, a physical manifestation of their intimate connection. Feng Li's eyes burned with a mix of emotions, his possessiveness and protectiveness evident in the way he looked at Yu Xin.

"I am not as excellent as you think," Feng Li finally spoke, his voice soft but filled with determination. "Even I am a human being, not an immortal. I feel I'm not worthy of you because I am not as kind and gentle person as you think. You are an angel, but I'm a demon. I am evil, and many want to kill me and many have betrayed me. If I am darkness, then you are my light. You made me believe in love, which I never thought possible."

He cupped Yu Xin's face gently, his thumb wiping away the lingering tears. "Yes, there may be many people who want to marry me and love me, but you are the only one whom I love. You are the only one who matters to me. Do you know that I feel jealous when you talk and go out with someone? I am possessive, and I can't bear the thought of losing you. But you still choose to be with me, and for that, I am grateful."

Yu Xin's eyes widened in surprise, touched by Feng Li's vulnerability and honesty. "You're not a monster, but an angel," Feng Li continued. "The only angel whom I'll love in every life, every year, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. From the moment you stepped into my life, you became my everything."

"I already told you that whether it's Song Jin or even a god, I'll never love them. I'll only love you and be with you. But please don't push me away; otherwise, I will lock you inside a cage," Feng Li said, his possessive smile returning.

"You can lock me if you want, but I want to be locked together with you," Yu Xin replied, determination shining in his eyes. He lifted his head and kissed Feng Li with all the love he had in his heart, sealing their bond once and for all. At that moment, they both knew that they were destined to be together, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. Their love would conquer all.

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