Arc 1(19)[Rev.]

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A few days before Sunday, Yu Xin's heart was in a constant state of turmoil. On one hand, he felt an overwhelming desire to show his gratitude to Feng Li, to treat him to lunch as a gesture of appreciation for saving him. But on the other hand, the pain of knowing Feng Li's role in the novel continued to haunt him, leaving him uncertain about whether he should get closer to the alpha or maintain a cautious distance.

After receiving a positive reply from Feng Li regarding the lunch on Sunday, Yu Xin found himself lost in thought as he entered his classroom. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and he couldn't concentrate on anything around him. In his daze, he felt a gentle pat on his shoulder, and he turned to see his best friend, Yang Xi, looking at him with genuine concern.

Concerned for his friend, Yang Xi asked, "What's the matter? You look sad and pale. Did someone bully you? Tell me, and I'll beat them up!"

Summoning the courage to share his predicament, Yu Xin began to describe it as if it were happening to a friend, trying to mask the truth about his feelings. He inquired, "Let me ask you... I have a friend who's in love with someone, but he's convinced that this person will never return his feelings and will eventually fall for someone else. What should my friend do?"

Amused by Yu Xin's clumsy attempt at concealing his emotions, Yang Xi fought back a laugh. But seeing the vulnerability in his friend's eyes, he put on a serious expression and probed further, "Does the person your friend loves currently have a partner?"

"N-No," Yu Xin stammered.

"Is that person a playboy?" Yang Xi asked.

"No, not at all! Despite being handsome and charming, he's not a playboy. I'm sure of it," Yu Xin answered earnestly.

Chuckling teasingly, Yang Xi continued, "Oh?"

Trying to maintain the façade, Yu Xin replied, "T-That's what my friend said. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yang Xi, now fully aware of the truth behind Yu Xin's "friend's" situation, offered some sincere advice. "Well, if the person your friend loves isn't in a relationship and isn't a playboy, then why worry about the future? If you love someone, just go for it and see where it leads. Don't hold back and make yourself look cheap. Understand?"

A sense of relief washed over Yu Xin as he took in Yang Xi's words. With a blush on his cheeks, he gave a relaxed smile, "Yes, I'll remember that. I mean, my friend will remember that." Deep down, he knew what he needed to do, and with Yang Xi's support, he felt more confident about taking a step toward the alpha who had captured his heart.

Yang Xi carefully observed Yu Xin's changing expressions, from the initial gloominess to a gradual transformation like a wilted flower blossoming into life with the arrival of spring. He could read his best friend like an open book, knowing that Yu Xin had fallen hard for someone and was struggling with some insecurities related to that person. As Yu Xin's best friend for over a decade, Yang Xi felt a surge of happiness knowing that his dear friend had found someone who made his heart soar.

Their parents were close friends too, which only strengthened the bond between Yu Xin and Yang Xi. Yang Xi understood that Yu Xin's cheerful demeanor was often a facade, masking a timid nature within. He wanted nothing more than to see Yu Xin happy, and he fervently wished that the person Yu Xin had fallen for would be there to support him through any moments of insecurity.

Yang Xi resolved to be the pillar of support for Yu Xin as well, ready to lend a listening ear and a helping hand whenever his best friend needed it. He knew that love could be a rollercoaster ride, and he was determined to be there for Yu Xin in both the highs and lows, cheering him on and offering guidance whenever necessary.

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