Arc 3(33)

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Yu Xin slowly limped towards the river and carefully stepped into the water.

As soon as his foot touched the cold water, his whole body shuddered violently.

He bit his lower lip nervously and took another step forward.

When he finally reached the deepest part of the water, he submerged himself completely and let out a sigh of relief.

The cool water felt nice against his heated skin.

He closed his eyes and relaxed.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes again and stared at the sky above him.

A soft breeze blew through the trees around him, causing their leaves to rustle gently.

"Ah~", Yu Xin sighed happily.

He floated there for a while, enjoying the refreshing feeling of the cool water washing away all the sweat and dirt from his body.

After some time, he climbed out of the water and headed back to the cave.

While walking back, he felt something wrong about the atmosphere. It was too quiet. He couldn't hear any birds chirping or insects buzzing.

He glanced around curiously but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

He continued walking until he reached the mouth of the cave.

As soon as he entered, he noticed that Feng Li hadn't returned yet.

Yu Xin frowned worriedly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

He waited patiently for Feng Li to return.

But suddenly, someone stepped into the cave.

A person wearing a black robe, and his face was covered with a veil. Seeing him, Yu Xin was alerted immediately.

"Who are you?", Yu Xin demanded fiercely.

The intruder replied calmly, "It doesn't matter who I am."

"Why are you here?", Yu Xin asked angrily.

The intruder ignored his question and walked towards Yu Xin.

Yu Xin glared at him suspiciously.

The intruder stopped in front of Yu Xin and looked down at him.

His gaze was intense and intimidating.

Yu Xin gulped nervously and averted his eyes away from the stranger.

Suddenly, the intruder grabbed his arm roughly.

"Let me go!", Yu Xin yelled furiously.

The intruder didn't respond. Instead, he tightened his grip around Yu Xin's wrist and hypnotized him.

Yu Xin felt something shift in his head and he was dazed on seeing the man's fingers in front of his eyes. He felt something was wrong but his body won't move or obey. His mind was blank.

He tried to resist but failed miserably.

"Yu Xin, you will submit to me.", the stranger said firmly.

Yu Xin froze completely. His eyes widened in shock.

The stranger's voice sounded so familiar.

But he couldn't place where he had heard it before.

"I know you can hear me, Yu Xin. Don't try to fight it. Just relax and let yourself fall under my control.", the stranger spoke calmly.

Yu Xin fought against his hypnosis but failed again.

"Submit to me, Yu Xin. Give up and let your body accept me. You know you want it.", the stranger commanded soothingly.

Yu Xin struggled to break free from his hold. But, his efforts were futile.

He was too weak to resist any longer.

"Relax... Relax... Let go...", the stranger whispered.

He continued whispering comforting words to Yu Xin, telling him to stop fighting and accept him.

But, before, he could continue, someone interrupted them.

Feng Li, who was still outside, sensed something wrong inside his cave. So, he quickly rushed back to his cave to find out what happened.

When Feng Li entered the cave, he saw Yu Xin standing dazedly while someone else stood in front of him.

Feng Li shouted aggressively, "STOP!"

He dashed forward and pulled Yu Xin towards him protectively.

Then, he turned around and glared at the intruder.

"Who the fuck are you?", Feng Li asked angrily.

The stranger ignored him and just said to Yu Xin, "Yu Xin, I guess you should remember what you did. It was quite unforgivable."

Before, Feng Li could ask anything, the stranger disappeared.

Yu Xin finally came back to his senses and looked around confusedly.

Feng Li asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah.", Yu Xin stuttered nervously.

"What happened?", Feng Li inquired anxiously.

"I don't know...", Yu Xin replied honestly.

He shook his head and stared at Feng Li with wide eyes.

"I can't remember anything.", Yu Xin confessed fearfully.

Feng Li sighed heavily and sat down on the bed beside Yu Xin.

"Tell me everything that happened.", he ordered sternly.

Yu Xin took a deep breath and began recounting what transpired before.

After listening to Yu Xin, Feng Li frowned deeply.

"That's strange...", Feng Li muttered thoughtfully.

Yu Xin nodded slowly, "Yeah..."

"We need to find out who this person is and why he wanted to harm you.", Feng Li stated firmly.

Yu Xin bit his bottom lip worriedly.

"Do you think we can track him?", Yu Xin questioned uncertainly.

Feng Li shrugged helplessly, "I'm not sure... But, I'll try my best."


Guys! Sorry, I'm a little late!

Well...In future updates, you'll get to know more about Feng Li's and Yu Xin's past...

Hope you're enjoying!!!


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