Arc 2(24)

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Arc 2(24)

"It was not I whom you saw that day," An Nuo reiterated to Yu Yan, his voice laced with a bitter tinge of sarcasm. With a piercing gaze, he observed the anguished figure standing before him and slowly questioned, "Mr. Yu, do you truly believe that I am still that same immature person who once loved you? Do you honestly think I will place my trust in your so-called truth?"

General Yu's complexion turned ashen as if all the vitality had been drained from his body. His trembling lips parted, but no words escaped. An Nuo cut through the suffocating silence, his voice filled with a poignant mix of pain and resentment, "Yu Yan, leave me be. Let me find solace in peace. I do not need your apologies or tears."

Tears welled up in General Yu's eyes, his voice rising to a hysterical pitch as he questioned, "Why won't you listen to my confession? Why can't you believe me, just once?"

An Nuo responded with a weighty sigh, his voice tinged with the lingering agony of the past, "Do you think I can simply believe you after enduring such immense pain? Have you any comprehension of the trials I have faced all these years?"

An Nuo's eyes turned red, a shimmering pool of unshed tears mirroring the sorrow etched deep within his heart. The memories of his sufferings flooded his mind—the agony of abandonment, the burden of pregnancy, the challenges of raising a child, the trials of going through estrus alone. He had weathered the storms of life in solitude, bearing the weight of his miseries with silent strength.

General Yu's heart throbbed with the anguish of seeing An Nuo's torment. He bore witness to the profound sorrow and regret etched upon An Nuo's face, yet he felt powerless to bridge the chasm of broken trust between them.

An Nuo cast a brief glance at General Yu, his voice laden with a resigned acceptance, "You want me to listen, don't you? Speak."

An Nuo turned his face away, giving General Yu the space to reveal the truth. General Yu's mouth opened, and he began recounting everything, exposing the depths of his soul. As the truth unfolded, An Nuo's expression transformed, caught between a myriad of emotions. He was at a loss for words, struggling to comprehend the weight of his own suffering caused by a single misunderstanding.

General Yu held onto a glimmer of hope as he witnessed the confusion and shock etched upon An Nuo's face. He yearned for An Nuo's belief in his innocence. Yet, An Nuo spoke slowly, his voice weighed down by an immense sadness, "Yu Yan, let us bury the past."

General Yu's complexion paled, a sharp pang of anguish piercing through his heart. He had not anticipated An Nuo's plea to erase the memories they had once shared. The shattered fragments of their long-awaited reunion crumbled before him, leaving General Yu in the depths of despair. He looked down at the ground, his mind reeling in shock. The birds chirped, the wind whispered, and all seemed serene, but General Yu's inner world was engulfed in turmoil, a tempest raging within him, casting a chill over his entire being.

Trembling with raw emotion, General Yu implored, his voice quivering with unyielding love, "Why? Why should we forget the past? It was all a terrible misunderstanding. I don't understand. I love you. I have loved you all these years. I know you loved me too. So, why must we forget? Why?!"

An Nuo lowered his gaze, his lips moved, and he responded, his voice tinged with a feeling of profound sorrow, "Yu Yan, I loved you in the past. Otherwise, why would I have waited for an explanation from you? If I had truly wanted to, I could have left the house the moment I misunderstood you, thinking you were unfaithful. But...I waited through the long evening and the night, hoping you would come to me. If you truly cared, you would have confronted me."

General Yu's cry of anguish tore through the air, laden with despair, "I did confront you, but you told me to leave you alone. I thought you were simply angry with me, but I never would create an insurmountable rift between us. I believed I should give you some space, fearing that my presence would only further enrage you."

A wistful smile graced An Nuo's face as he uttered, his voice laced with poignant pain, "Yu Yan, I scarcely know how to react anymore. Perhaps it would have been better if we were ordinary individuals, devoid of your grandeur as a general, and me... well, I believe you have already gleaned my true identity from reading my diary."

General Yu locked his gaze with An Nuo's, determination shining in his eyes as he declared, his voice resolute, "I know. I care not whether you are a fairy or a demon. All I know is that you are and always will be my other half. I have waited all these years, and I will continue waiting for the remainder of my life until you love me once again."

An Nuo shook his head sadly, his voice filled with resignation, "It is not easy, Yu Yan. I fear I may never be capable of falling in love. You read my diary to understand my pain, but I have already confronted and endured those struggles. I do not blame you for the misunderstanding, but I cannot forget it. Besides, you are a general, and many will vie for the chance to marry you. I am not the one destined for you."

Yu Yan's gaze fixed upon An Nuo, a mixture of sadness and affection reflecting in his eyes, as he professed, his voice laden with unwavering love, "An Nuo, I care not whether you love me or not. What matters is that I love you. Only I can determine who is right for me, and I know it is you. Just allow me to be with you and do not push me away."

An Nuo fell into a contemplative silence, moments stretching into eternity. Eventually, he took a deep breath and uttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "Give me some time."

Hope ignited within General Yu's eyes, and he responded fervently, his voice brimming with boundless love, "Take all the time you need; just allow me to be by your side."

Reluctantly, they parted ways, though General Yu clung to every moment. An Nuo persuaded him to depart, understanding that healing and rebuilding trust would demand time and patience. They embarked upon a journey towards healing, determined to endure, no matter how protracted the path may be.

From that day onward, An Nuo and General Yu met daily, their encounters serving as tender threads of connection that wove together the fragments of their broken past. With each passing day, they inched closer towards reconciliation and a love that transcended the constraints of time and misunderstanding. Together, they faced the arduous task of healing their wounds and rebuilding a foundation of trust, their hearts steadfast and resolute.


Hey Guys!

Long time no see! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

A new chapter for you guys. And sorry for the late update my tests were going on. I had no time to update a new chapter.

The story between An Nuo and General Yu will end soon...

Also, if you guys are thinking why is this chapter different from other chapters...well, I used ChatGPT😁... It helped me proofread and check mistakes and all. I'll be using ChatGPT and other AI tools to help me now, I guess.

And a gift for y'all-

*ta-da**drums roll*

*ta-da**drums roll*

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He is hot right~

I asked an AI bot (Gencraft, you can try it too.) to make it. [Not Sponsoring or something, that website had 10 free trials and I used it...😁😁]

I wanted to share it with you guys. Hope you liked him...

You guys can use it too.😉

A Quick Note - I have uploaded the revised or edited version of the first few chapters in arc 1. You guys can check it out.

Till then Bye~

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