Arc 1 (6) [Rev.]

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As time passed, the conversation between Feng Li, his parents, and Yu Xin continued, discussing the prospect of his engagement. Feng Li, however, had a special request for his parents. He asked them not to approach the Yu Family just yet, as he and Yu Xin had only started dating today, and he didn't want to put any pressure on his beloved. Instead, he wanted to wait until Yu Xin reached adulthood, as he was currently just 16 years old. Feng Li had a grand plan in mind to propose to Yu Xin on his 18th birthday, wanting the moment to be truly unforgettable.

Even Feng Li was taken aback by the depth of his feelings and thoughts of marrying Yu Xin. In his previous life, the word 'marriage' had held negative connotations, and he had only seen its darker side. But now, with Yu Xin in his life, all those preconceptions had faded away, replaced by a genuine desire to build a life together.

With his parents' consent, Feng Li's thoughts turned towards securing a financial foundation for their future. He asked his father to grant him one of his stock market accounts, eager to start trading and earn money to support his plans of marrying his baby and achieving financial independence.

After bidding his parents farewell as they hurried off for their business, Feng Li retired to his room, sitting on the bed while dialing Yu Xin's number. The anticipation in his heart mirrored the excitement he heard in Yu Xin's voice when he picked up the call.

"Hello, Feng Li," Yu Xin greeted warmly, his voice as innocent and curious as ever.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Feng Li inquired gently, savoring every sound that came from his beloved.

"Just completed my homework. What happened?" Yu Xin replied innocently, a question mark forming above his head.

"I just miss you," Feng Li confessed tenderly, a hint of doting affection in his voice.

On the other end of the line, Yu Xin blushed like a ripe apple, his heart fluttering at Feng Li's words.

"Then are you free tomorrow at 4 pm?" Feng Li continued softly.

"Yes," Yu Xin answered, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Can you meet me at Square Times at 4 pm?" Feng Li asked tenderly, piquing Yu Xin's interest.

"Why?" Yu Xin inquired playfully.

"It's a secret," Feng Li replied with a mysterious allure.

As the conversation continued, they found themselves lost in each other's words, each moment between them growing more precious. Their connection deepened, and they cherished every second they spent together, even if it was just through a phone call.

Feng Li, knowing that it was getting late and Yu Xin had homework to complete, playfully flirted with him, urging him to rest. Yu Xin's stuttering response, blushing cheeks, and cute smiles only made Feng Li's heart swell with affection.

"I love talking to baby too, but you should have some rest," Feng Li said gently, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment that he had never experienced before.

Yu Xin agreed, showing a cute smile through the phone, and bid him farewell. Feng Li's face was filled with adoration as he replied, "Bye, Baby." The simple words held a promise of more conversations and moments of love to come. Their connection was unbreakable, and their hearts intertwined, embracing the warmth of their growing affection for each other.

After putting down his phone, Yu Xin, with a heart brimming with affection, found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. He slowly reclined on his bed, his body sinking into the soft mattress, and he playfully buried his blushing face in a nearby pillow. The feeling of endearment he experienced when his lover called him "baby" always sent a tingling sensation through his entire being. Such tender endearments were reserved only for his family in the past, but now, in the warmth of Feng Li's love, the term felt like a precious, intimate secret shared between them.

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