Arc 3(21)

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Feng Li and Yu Xin were almost near the Rabbit clan, the landscape was beautiful, and lush green plants surrounded them everywhere.

There was a small river flowing through the place. There weren't any houses or buildings nearby. Just nature.

It was peaceful and quiet. And very refreshing.

Soon, they made their way into the Rabbit clan.

Some of the citizens recognized Yu Xin. Being the son of the clan leader, many knew who he was.

But no one dared to say anything as soon as they saw Feng Li.

Because they knew he was the clan leader of the infamous Snake clan.

And everyone was afraid of him.

However, Feng Li and Yu Xin didn't notice anything strange about the people around them. They just went straight ahead, looking for clues.

Feng Li took the help of Yu Xin to communicate with the rabbits.

Yu Xin asked a few of his cousins and friends whether they had seen something unusual. But none of them had.

They also questioned the guards of the village but again, there was nothing suspicious.

Finally, they decided to search for themselves.

So, they separated from each other.

Feng Li went deeper into the forest while Yu Xin stayed outside the village.

After some time, Feng Li found a small cave. He entered the cave carefully.

The cave was dark and damp. It smelled awful too. But he could see inside because of his snake vision.

Suddenly, Feng Li sensed someone behind him.

He immediately turned around and faced the person behind him.

He saw a face similar to the spouse of Zhang Yue, the current clan leader of the Rabbit clan.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?", asked Feng Li coldly.

The person smirked and replied, "I am Zhang Xi. My brother didn't tell you about me?"

Feng Li frowned slightly, "I know. He told me about it. But I'm wondering why you're here."

'It' chuckled evilly, "Oh, you'll find out soon enough."

Without warning, 'it' threw a powdery substance on Feng Li.

Feng Li coughed violently as he inhaled some of the dust.

His head began to spin and his vision blurred.

Feng Li stumbled forward, trying to steady himself. But before he steadied himself, his body started heating up as if he were thrown into a volcano.

His skin became red and sweat dripped down his forehead.

He felt dizzy. His breathing quickened as he tried to catch his breath.

As he struggled to breathe, he saw Zhang Xi coming toward him step by step.

Feng Li's eyes turned into slits and he glared at him with anger.

"What did you do to me?!"

'It' smiled, "I gave you aphrodisiac powder. You should feel lucky. Because it is hard to get that drug in this world."

Feng Li cursed angrily, "You bastard! I'll kill you!"

'It' laughed, "No, you won't. As long as you give up Yu Xin, I won't hurt you."

'It' came closer to Feng Li and was about to touch Feng Li's face.

Feng Li pushed him away with force.

'It' was caught off guard by the push and fell back.

This caused 'it' to fall on its knees.

Feng Li took advantage of the situation and tried to calm himself down.

Feng Li then grabbed hold of his throat tightly.

"Tell me who sent you or else I'll kill you."

'It' pouted, "How cruel. Do you really think I'd tell you that easily?"

Feng Li tightened his grip on 'it', threateningly.

"Last chance."

'It' grinned maliciously, "You are still the same, huh? Always thinking about your loved one instead of yourself."

Feng Li clenched his teeth, "Stop messing around. Tell me now."

'It' laughed loudly, "Alright, fine. Since you're so desperate. I'll tell you."


Yu Xin searched for a long time but didn't find any clues. He was frustrated and angry.

He sat down on a rock nearby and sighed heavily.

He was worried about Feng Li and hoped he would be alright.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped up in surprise and turned around.

His eyes widened as he saw Huo Yun and Zhang Xi standing behind him.

"What do you need from me?", asked Yu Xin as he took a step backward.

Zhang Xi's heart ached, after seeing Yu Xin looking so defensive of him. He hated that look.

Huo Yun answered, "We have come to help you."

Yu Xin raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "How can I believe you?"

Huo Yun smiled gently, "You can ask whatever question you want. But please don't misunderstand us."

Yu Xin hesitated for a moment before asking, "Okay then. First, Who are you? And what do you want from me?"

He looked at Zhang Xi and questioned lightly, "And why is he see-through?"

Huo Yun introduced himself, "My name is Huo Yun."

"As for what we want, well...we came here because we were worried about you and Feng Li."

"As for your last question, it's complicated.

Yu Xin frowned slightly, "Why should I trust you?"

Huo Yun explained patiently, "Because I am Feng Li's best friend. We've known each other since childhood. I promise you that I am not lying."

Yu Xin still wasn't convinced though.

"Feng Li never told me anything about you."

"I understand why you're skeptical. But let's put that aside for now. Let's focus on finding Feng Li first."

Yu Xin thought carefully before replying, "Fine, I'll take your word. But if I find out that you lied to me, I won't forgive you."

Huo Yun nodded solemnly, "Thank you. I appreciate your understanding. Now, let's go search for Feng Li."

They walked together and after some time, they arrived at the cave.


"Alright, fine. Since you're so desperate. I'll tell you.", 'It' continued, "But before that, let's do something fun."

Feng Li growled, "Shut up! Tell me now!"

'It' smirked mischievously, "No way. You need to play with me first. Or else I won't tell you anything."

Feng Li glared at him.

But before he did anything, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Feng Li!"


A New Chapter for y'all~



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