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[Sean's POV]

I sat down in front of the camera and sighed deeply, I was in no mood to record but I had to do it for the viewers. I decided to play Plush because it was a silly, little game that didn't require much from me, except a touch of organisation and thinking. I ensured everything was set up before I began to do my intro, swinging my hand round for the high five.

"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a cute little game called Plush."

I sat back and played the game, dragging and dropping the teddy bears onto the bed. This was one of the most random things I'd played in a while but I needed to give something to the viewers, I couldn't stop my two video a day streak. I looked down at my phone buzzing next to me and sighed, I'd forgotten to put it on silent once again. I picked it up and looked down at the screen,

Markimoo: I hope you're okay Sean x

"Of course I'm not." I scoffed to myself,

Jackaboy: I'm far from okay, literally so far that im not even on the scale anymore x

Markimoo: Please don't say that sean 😟 I'm worried about you, you've barely been active on Twitter and this is the first I've heard from you since our Skype call x

Jackaboy: I can't lie about how I feel Mark, you'd be more worried if I did. I took a tiny break from Twitter but I'll tweet something now so it doesn't look weird. OK?

Markimoo: OK. You know if you ever feel crappy you can just call me? I'll pick up no matter what time it is, loneliness sucks x

Jackaboy: Yes but no, I appreciate your concern but I'm not 'lonely'. I'm perfectly fine, I have to go. Bye.

Markimoo: I didn't mean it like that Sean, I just meant I understand what you're going through and I'm here x

If I offended you then I'm really sorry x

Don't do this alone Sean x

I locked my phone and set it back down on my desk before rounding off my Plush video and saving all the recordings. I removed my headphones and sighed, running my hands through my grey tinted hair. I wasn't lonely, I was just having some time to myself. Going through a break up made people act differently, it was natural, right?

I sighed and opened up Twitter on my computer, scrolling down my interactions slowly.

@septicloughlin : did you record drunk minecraft with mark and wade??

@jsebby : when's the minecraft episode?!

@s.e.p.t.i.c : how's your day been jack?

I typed a response to her, 'it's been a long day! too caught up in stuff to be active, sorry!'

I closed down Twitter as the responses came in and decided on attempting to get hold of Klo again, I grabbed my phone and took a seat on the edge of my bed. I pressed the green button next to her name and held the phone to my ear,

*Hey this is Khloe, I'm not available at the moment but leave a message after the beep*

The beep sounded and I sighed deeply.

"Hey, it's Sean. I know I'm probably the last person you want to speak to but I - erm - I just. I just want to talk to you, hear your voice again and discuss this mess. I mi-"

The phone beeped loudly and cut me off before I could finish my message, I screwed up the chance of telling her how much I missed her because I was too busy rambling. Typical Sean, always rambling about things people don't care about. It surprises me that viewers sit and watch me just going on and on continously in my videos, how do I not annoy them? Especially with my accent, I know some people like the sound of an irish accent, but we aren't that great.

I put my phone down and lay back on my bed, running my hands down my face as I did. Was this really how I was spending my day? Moping around after Klo when she clearly had no interest in keeping in touch, I was so pathetic for thinking I'd actually made a girl happy. Since when was I capable of that?

I rolled onto my side and picked up my iPad from my bedside table, swiping it across and opening up YouTube. Felix and Daithi had uploaded so I decided to watch them, anything would be better than lying here in misery, besides, I love those boys.

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